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The next day of classes went by quickly, and soon Takemichi stood shaking in front of Y/n's apartment door. He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes closed before knocking on the door. He could hear the girl's feet shuffle through the apartment, before unlocking the latches on the door and opening it slightly.

"Oh hey Takemichi. Sorry I was watching a movie," she held the door open inviting him into her on campus apartment. He nodded, stepping foot into her apartment and taking his shoes off leaving them at the door.

Looking around, his eyes widened seeing how tidy and organized the girl was.

"Wow it's really nice in here."

"Thanks Michi. So calc right? Let me see some of your test scores and see what you need help with," she plopped down on the couch.

The girl didn't hesitate to bust open a textbook, pulling her hair back with a clip and putting on a pair of reading glasses. Michi hesitantly sat down next to her, pulling out some papers from his backpack that he had shoved inside. Handing them over to her, she glanced through the papers, a scowl slowly forming on her face.

"You're really slacking Takemichi. Alright, let's get to work."

She wasted no time beginning to explain how to solve many of the problems that Michi couldn't figure out how to solve on his own. She even found a way to simplify them for him to be able to understand. Michi couldn't seem to focus on the equations regardless of her efforts, he was too distracted trying to figure the girl out.

Annoyed that Michi was distracted, Y/n shut the book closed and set it down.

"Michi, what's going on? If you can't focus you can leave I'm not forcing you to be here," she sighed taking off her glasses and setting them back down.

Takemichi stared at her for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

"Hey... What's with you and Mikey?"

"What do you mean?"

"You like him right?"

"Sano? Yeah no. You're funny as hell. We're just... Close," she simply shrugged.

"What about you and Hina? I take it you guys have been having issues lately."

"W-What makes you say that?"

Y/n sat up, narrowing her eyebrows. Grabbing the clip out of her hair gently, she let her strands fall down covering the tank top straps on her shoulders.

"You are so dense. All Hina talks about is how stressed she is and how you guys argue all the time. Michi it's not that hard for people to see."

"H-Hina said that?"

"Yeah. She did. Look maybe lay off her a bit, maybe clean up that mess of an apartment you guys live in, Hina can't do everything. Cut her some slack Michi."

His eyes widened, as Y/n turned her tv on and got comfortable in her seat.

"Has she said anything else Y/n?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself? You guys have been together so long you should be able to do that right?"

"Y-Yeah. Thanks Y/n. I should prob get outta here."

"You want to study inbetween classes to make up for tonight?"

Nodding, Takemichi gathered his things making his way over to the door.

"Yeah. I'm super sorry. Thanks again," he put on his shoes and rushed out the door. Takemichi rushed all the way to his and Hina's shared apartment, unlocking the door and kicking his shoes off. His eyes widened seeing exactly what Y/n was talking about. Hina was out studying intensively, as she was super focused on her studies which left Michi to do the housework. Or so she expected.

Michi's laziness and lack of focus got the better of him constantly. He didn't even realize how much he had slacked off in his house duties. The weight he was supposed to be pulling in the relationship just wasn't there. If it weren't for Y/n he wouldn't have even realized what the problem was. Takemichi pulled his hoodie off his body, tossing it onto the couch and walking over to the sink piled with dishes.

"Ok Takemichi you got this," he took a deep breath before turning on the water and the dish sponge. Takemichi took his sweet time cleaning the apartment, starting with the dishes. He vacuumed all the floors and carpets, wiped down every surface, threw out all the trash and even separated his dirty and clean clothes putting them in the appropriate places.

To say he was tired was an understatement. The apartment was entirely cleaned, and looked like a completely different place. The aroma of cleaners, and scents filled the apartment but not in an overbearing way. Takemichi rested on the couch, feeling himself dozing off ever so slightly.

The sound of keys jingling caught his attention, bringing him to sit up on the couch.

Hina walked in, shutting the door quietly behind her and taking her shoes off. She paused seeing that their shoes were properly arranged on its rack.


She picked her head up, looking around the apartment seeing that it had been cleaned entirely.

"Takemichi you did all this?"

"I'm sorry if I haven't been doing much around here. I don't mean to fight with you Hina," he rubbed his eyes before standing up.

"Y-You're the best," she smiled walking over to him and hugging him tight. He held Hina tight, taking a deep breath as he rested his chin on top of her head gently.

"I love you Hinata. I'm sorry."

"Takemichi quit apologizing. Let's get to bed I have to wake up really early tomorrow."

"Let's go. I even changed our sheets," he said proudly earning himself a giggle from his girlfriend.


Y/n sprawled out across the nice sized king bed, holding her favorite plushie close to her body. A certain blonde had turned off his bedroom light before climbing into the bed next to her.

"You might as well move in at this point if you're gonna be here every night," Mikey joked pulling the girl closer to him in the bed. She rolled her eyes, sighing softly as she snuggled her body close to his.

"Shut up Mikey, I'm only here for the cuddles."

"Yeah and my sister's cooking."

"That too."

Mikey chuckled, before he let out a soft yawn.

"Mikey can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Something wrong?"

"Is it just me or is Takemichi acting... Weird lately?"

"Takemichi has always been weird Y/n. That's why I don't put you guys in the same room too often. Two big ass weirdos together in a small space? Sounds like a disaster."

"Oh shut up Mikey. Forget it," Y/n rolled her eyes before letting herself wander in her own head.

Takemichi never acknowledges my presence whatsoever anytime I'm around. What made today so different? Why was he so.. Open with me? It makes no sense. I doubt he'll even change whatsoever. He's the definition of absent minded and messy. Oh well that'll be Hina's problem. If they even work out at this rate.

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