Relationship Issues

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Takemichi's POV

Takemichi quietly shut his front door behind him, before turning around to be met with a somewhat angry Hina. He yelped as he saw her, noticing the blanket and pillow that had been on the couch making it clear that Hina had stayed up waiting for him to get home. Hina stood from her position on the couch and made her way over to Takemichi.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"M-My bad. I went out for dinner last night and had a few too many," he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. Hina rolled her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Takemichi you're not a little kid anymore. The least you could do is text me if you're gonna end up falling asleep at someone else's place."

"Y-Yeah. I'm really sorry Hinata."

"Sometimes Takemichi you gotta make smarter decisions," she sighed before turning her back to him and walking towards their bedroom slamming the door.

Takemichi winced at the sound of the door being shut, and made his way over to the couch sitting down on it. Just as he was about to lean his head back and relax, their doorbell rang furiously. With a groan he stood up from the couch, and dragged himself to their apartment door opening it slightly.

"Go away."

"Trust me I will once you tell me what the fuck is going on with you and Y/n" Chifuyu muttered loud enough for Takemichi to hear him through the door. Eyes widened Takemichi opened the door, stepping out of the apartment.

"What are you talking about?!"

"I saw you leave from her place dumbass! I thought you were back here to avoid this shit from happening!"

"I am! I didn't mean to it just sorta... Happened."

"Well stop what you're doing! You're just gonna end up hurting her. And then Mikey will for sure rip your trachea out," Chifuyu smacked the back of Takemichi's head.

Takemichi whined, instantly holding the spot Chifuyu had hit him in.

"Go get dressed and tell Hina we're gonna grab food," Chifuyu rolled his eyes as he opened the door to Takemichi's apartment and let himself in. Takemichi sighed before following behind him and making his way to his bedroom.

"Hina? I'm gonna go with Chifuyu to get something to eat."

"Ok. I guess I'll see you later," she uttered before turning her attention back to the desk she was currently working on top of. Takemichi internally panicked seeing that Hina was so mad at him she didn't even seem to give him much of a response to him leaving. Walking over to the desk, he leaned down giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you. I'll make this up to you," he mumbled before changing his clothes. After freshening himself up, he grabbed his backpack and left with Chifuyu to the same cafe that Emma works at.

Chifuyu stood at the register flirting (or attempting to flirt) with one of Emma's coworkers, while Takemichi sat alone in the booth working on some of his homework. The bell on the door jingled, but since a lot of students frequented the cafe Takemichi didn't bother to look up. It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice that his attention was pulled away from his homework.

"Mikey! Y/n! You guys didn't tell me you were stopping by," Emma smiled as she approached the booth in front of Takemichi. His eyes widened as he grabbed a menu and shoved his face in it, attempting to hide himself from the situation.

"It was sorta last minute. Can you grab us the usual sis? Much appreciated," Mikey smiled shooing his younger sister away. She gave him a nod and a small smile before heading back towards the counter.

"So. What did you wanna talk about?"

"Mikey, I need to know. Do you not take me seriously enough to date me?"

Takemichi's eyes widened as he slowly pulled the menu down from his eyes. Peeking over, he gazed at the two.

"It's not that and you know that shit. I can't love you in ways you deserve, and I'm too fucked up to be with someone."

"Then let me help you Mikey."

"You are helping me. But that's not a step I'm ready for Y/n. Why are you bringing this up now? I thought you were okay with this."

"I was... But something changed my mind."

"Or someone," Mikey trailed off. The two sat in silence for a moment while Takemichi tried to wrap his head around everything. Did she meet someone else? What is going on here?

"I see the way you look at him. But it's not a good idea.. He's with someone else, someone that he'd do anything for. And honestly he's a doofus, you should find someone who's able to love you with no complications. Being with him would be complicated. I know you want a relationship but, neither of us are a good option."

"I know Mikey... but I feel drawn to him. Like we're meant to be."

Mikey scoffed before pulling a textbook from his bag.

"I don't know about that. But let's just study ok? You should get your mind off all this," he reassured her as the two of them began to study. Takemichi took a deep breath before setting the menu back down. As he was about to relax, he heard another voice ring out. One he wish hadn't.

"Oh shit hey Y/n. Sup Mikey?"

Takemichi internally panicked seeing Chifuyu approach their table. Y/n smiled greeting him back while Mikey just left it at a simple nod.

"Did you guys see Takemichi? Michi come over here," Chifuyu smirked deviously. Takemichi groaned, getting up from the booth and walking over to theirs.

"Hey Mikey.. Hey Y/n."

"Are you actually doing work Takemichi?" Mikey snickered earning himself a kick underneath the table. Y/n rolled her eyes before gazing over at Takemichi. They stared at each other for a moment, before both breaking eye contact.

"Why don't we all study to-"

"Can't me and Chifuyu have somewhere to be."


"You know! That thing Mitsuya said he needed help with."

"Mitsuya? But Mitsuya would have texted m-"

"Let's go," Takemichi grabbed his and Chifuyu's things rushing out of the cafe. Chifuyu groaned following behind him.

"What a weirdo," Mikey mumbled. Right after the pair left Emma approached the table setting down Mikey and Y/n's orders.

"So Y/n when are you and my brother gonna make things-"

"Nope," Mikey and Y/n said in unison before turning their attention to their plates. Emma sighed before turning her back and walking towards the back of the cafe.

"He's gonna be single for life."

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