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Overwhelming thoughts flooded Y/n's mind as she laid in bed, thinking of her possible future. It was crazy just how fast she grew attached to Takemichi, but what was crazier was the fact that he makes her feel normal. She doesn't have to pretend around him. He listens to her, and respects her boundaries. He genuinely cares about her and she wasn't exactly used to it. Being separated from her parents made her feel many emotions, but all of those slipped away the more time she spent around Takemichi.

She stood outside of his school, deciding to surprise him for once. Her foot tapped against the ground as she watched students pour out of the building. Then she finally laid eyes on him, his school tie slightly undone, his black locks down over his forehead and his shirt sleeves rolled up on his forearms. His blue eyes found her e/c ones, a wide smile forming across his face. She shook her head as he pushed through his classmates rushing over to her.


"Hi Aki," she grinned as he wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up off the ground and spinning her around.

"I missed you so much, I was just about to come over."

"Nah, no worries. I actually wanted to take you somewhere," she informed him as he set her back down.

"Really? Well let's go."

"It's a bit of a drive."

"Drive? You have a car?"

"My parents don't completely hate me," she reached into her pocket dangling the keys in front of his face. He nodded before following behind her to her car, getting comfortable in the passenger seat while she started the vehicle and pulled out of the student lot.

"So where we going?"

"It's a surprise."

Takemichi yawned slightly, feeling himself grow tired from the motion of the car. Y/n glanced over to see him fast asleep in the seat. Not taking her eyes off the road, she reached behind her grabbing her car blanket from behind her seat and placed it over him gently. The drive didn't even bother her, as she followed her gps for over an hour finding herself at one of her favorite spots. She turned off the car before tapping Michi gently.

"Aki? We're here get your ass up."

He groaned as he shifted and opened his eyes. Placing the blanket carefully in the back, he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car seeing they had driven to some sort of park. Y/n got out of the car grabbing a duffel bag out the trunk and locking her car doors.

"Huh? This is not too far from-"

"Yeah there's a college not too far away. I was actually planning on applying there, and came on a visit. Then I wandered off and found this beautiful ass sight. Wanna see?"

"Of course," he nodded. She intertwined their fingers before walking in the direction of a more secluded wooded area. Michi tensed up unsure of what was going to happen, for all he knew she'd probably try to kill him or something. However, he found himself amazed at the waterfall that was seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

Y/n kneeled down and placed her duffle down on the ground, pulling a thick blanket out and spreading it across the grass. Michi and her both sat, her sitting between his legs with her head against his chest.

"This is beautiful Y/n."

"I know... I can't wait to come here after lectures once I'm in college," she shut her eyes feeling serene.

"We actually met in college... you tutored me and thought I was really fucking stupid."

"You are fucking stupid."

"Ha ha whatever. But I liked you. A lot. I do now."

"Is this really what's best for us? I mean... given our so called track record?"

"I will go to whatever lengths I have to, to make sure nothing bad ever happens to you L/n Y/n," he reached his hand towards her chin, tilting her head backwards before leaning over and giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"I... I think I'm falling for you Takemichi. I think I actually love you."

"I love you too Y/n," he mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "I'll go to the same college as you, we'll move in together, eventually get married, maybe kids."

"Maybe a little girl. You'd be a great girl dad," she smiled as she turned her attention back to the waterfall.

"I know you'd be an amazing mother," he reassured her before subconsciously placing a hand over her stomach, gently rubbing it through her shirt. She blushed as she placed her hand over his, imagining what it would be like to be pregnant.

"We're saying all of this lovey dovey shit and you haven't even asked me out yet," she reminded him before tapping his hand gently, him moving it to his side.

"I haven't?"

"Nope," she scoffed at his absent mindedness. He chuckled nervously before reaching his hands down, and adjusting their position so she was now straddling him their faces meeting one another.

"I didn't know if you were ready for that."

"You don't know unless you try Aki."

"Ok... Y/n, I have gone through hell and high water to make it back to you. So many times. And even when I myself was in denial about this, it was always you. It always leads back to you. No future, no past, no present exists without you. The love I have for you... It's truly timeless. I can't imagine what my life would look like without you in it. I love you. So fucking much.

So be my girlfriend, because I don't want to have to go back in time again to ask you all over," he gripped her waist kneading her skin with his fingertips. Y/n hummed before tangling her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer to her face.

"Aki... I love you too. I don't know about the other times, but I know one thing. I want a future with you. So... Yeah. I'm yours," she nodded before placing her lips against his passionately. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in tighter, while she wrapped hers around his neck. She panted slightly, as he gently bit down on her lip his hands finding their way to cup her ass.

Pulling away from the kiss, she leaned her forehead against his, closing her eyes.

"Can we just go home? I don't wanna get grass stains on my clothes."

"Wait how would you do-"

"Michi, you're gonna make love to me then fuck the shit outta me. Kay? You're my boyfriend now. So we don't have to pretend like you're not a perv," she rolled her eyes before getting up and grabbing her duffel bag.

Takemichi gasped jokingly as he got up, grabbing the blanket and folding it.

"Me? A perv?"

"Yeah you. Let's not act like you watch me change, then have to force yourself to take a cold shower after," she started walking away from him.

"That happened once," he groaned as he followed behind her.

"Thrice," she held up the number three as she kept walking.

"What was I supposed to do?! You told me no masterbating in your house!"

"Yeah cause I'm not cleaning up after you. But no worries, you can clean up after yourself tonight," she laughed as Michi trailed behind her.

A/N: so... I'm thinking two more chapters. A smut chapter and an epilogue. I think I'm content with where the story has gone. I'm so proud of it and myself. Plus I need full focus on my next adventure with Hakkai. Timeless has honestly made me a better writer and I couldn't have been more happy with the progress. SO. I hope the chapter was enjoyed. And thanks for sticking it out with this crazy ass ride.

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