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A/N: Sorry for not posting anything for the last two months. A lot of things happened, a lot of changes and it completely drained me from all leftover energy and motivation that I had before.

But now it's over with espresso depresso. I'm gonna hype myself up and I hope ignoring the problems will make it go away.

A light fog appears from his mouth as Japan let out a deep breath. No matter how many times he visits the autopsy lab. He'll never get used to it. Especially not when it's 4 am Monday morning and incredibly cold inside the lab.

After he found a solution for his problem with South Korea he realized that he had to wait for Poland leaving the hospital since their conversation can't be heard by anyone except them.

In the mean time Japan spent the rest of the weekend figuring out how to stage Kazakhstan's death as a suicide. Last thing he needs is the evidence.

As the hours passed and the night came Japan had to accept that there is no alternative option.

He has to make Kazakhstan hold the gun.

With surprisingly easiness he got himself the revolver from the weaponry arsenal in the police station.

Obviously around the end of the year, when they need to do an inventory, they'll notice that a gun is missing, but no one would be able to trace that it was Japan who stole it.

Now with the revolver in his shaky hand Japan stood in front of the fridges. The panic inside him grew more and more as he tried to encourage himself. "Calm down. It's just a body."

He took a step closer. "Just a body. Just a body. Just- Fuck. Why am I doing this!"

No one would believe what he's about to do. Not even Japan himself would have believed it. But with a shaking hand he forced himself to hold the fridge handle.

His stomach starts to turn.

He hates corpses. Be it human or animal, but mostly it's dead human bodies that disgust him the most. To think about all the rotten fluids still swimming inside the shell. Seeing how drastic the skin changes, feeling like a ice cold leather. How the whole body deformes, either bloated, or sagged down.

But all that is nothing compared to the smell. The disgusting sweet ugly smell. Japan couldn't hold any longer. He pulled his hand away as if he touched a hot stove and staggered a couple steps back.

Shutting his eyes close Japan whined himself encouragements, "Come on. Just open the door, put the gun to his fingers and then shut the door close. It should be easy. There is nothing to fear."

Yet he couldn't approach the fridge any closer. He can't get rid of the wave of disgust going through his body.

Japan is sure that Denmark would laughing his ass off from his failure to simply open the metal door.

Anger started to bubble up. Angry that he can't man up and do it. Frustrated that he ended up in this situation simply because Germany doesn't want to cover it up as a suicide.

Silently swearing inside Japan walked around in a small circle to mentally prepare himself for trying again. "Come on. I saw worse things in my life. That should be easy-"

Suddenly Japan froze as he heard something outside his own voice.

Through the suffocating silence Japan caught some sounds from the hallway. He noticed those sounds as footsteps coming closer to the lab.

In fear Japan rushed to hide the revolver inside his jacket. He succeeded to hide it before the door opens.

Belgium stopped behind the open door when she noticed Japan standing in the middle of the lab. "Oh." Belgium was taken by surprise. She didn't know how to respond.

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