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Poland jumped up bewildered. He hoped that he just misheard him. That he meant to say something else or that it was an over exaggeration of what Lithuania actually did.

But Lithuania stayed silent. He didn't even dare to look up while he's shaking like a leaf. Poland squatted down in front of him. With worries on his face he asked Lithuania, "Have you really murdered someone?"

Lithuania only nodded without looking at him.

"And who?" Poland asked very serious. He secretly hoped that it's all just a joke.

Lithuania moved his head up. Only his red swollen eyes was seen while the rest of his face was hiding behind his knees. He sniffed one more time before weakly whispering, "Albania. We-" Lithuania hitched his breath for second before continuing, "We got into a fight and it escalated. Estonia and Ukraine were there too. Albania got really angry and I thought he was going to kill me. I- I stabbed him. I stabbed him and he felt down on the floor."

His breathing became more irregular and his voice got louder as the panic inside him grew. "He wasn't moving! There was soo much blood and I was scared. Estonia pulled me out of the house. We three agreed to never tell anyone about it. But now they both are dead and I'm the next one!"

Lithuania buried his nails deeper into his scalp. "I don't want to die!"

"Okay let's calm down." Poland moved his hands up, but he wasn't sure what to do. Should he try to console him, let him be or doing nothing. He never knew how to cheer up a person and to be honest Poland was too stunned about Lithuania's confession. His attention went back to his brother as he looked up to him and with a desperate look on his face he said, "I don't know what I should do?"

Poland stood up and ran his hand through his hair,thinking for a solution. He walked around nervously and grumbled what to do. He never thought Lithuania would actually kill someone. His brother wouldn't even be able to kill a small mouse, but now he confessed that he murdered his own friend.

Poland looked back to Lithuania. He noticed Poland's stare and quickly darted his eyes up to him. As much Poland wants to walk away now, leaving Lithuania with his trouble, letting the killer get him.

He just can't.

Didn't matter how many times they fought, or how many times Lithuania was the most annoying person Poland ever knew. He still doesn't want him to die.

Poland broke their eye contact and looked around. Thankfully there weren't anyone there who could've heard them, but it's not safe to be outside. First place that came to his mind would be to go home, but he feared that the killer might know their location and he's scared that Hungary might get involved. Risking his safety is the least thing he wants to ever happen. Going to his friend Czechia is also out of question and he didn't have any money with him to go to a motel.

Then he got an idea. He knew someone who was indebted to Poland and is willing to help him out.

"Let's go somewhere safe first. Later we think what to do." He faced back to Lithuania who stare at him in disbelief.

"What?" Poland asked unsure to why his brother is starring at him like that. Lithuania rubbed his palm on his cheek to wish his tear stains away before he responded, "You won't report me to Germany?"

Poland blinked shocked at him before bursting out, "No! Why should I!?"

Lithuania looked down, whispering ashamed, "I'm a murderer."

"No you're not." Poland countered harshly. He quickly found an excuse and explained Lithuania in a more calm way, "It was self defense. You didn't intend to murder Albania. We find a way to fix it. For now no one else should know about it."

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