11. The wolf

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"What was the owner's name again?" Japan asked curious. Right now they're on their way to the owner of the stolen car. To their surprise they only got the address of a movie studio where he's working. It seems like he spent more time at work than home.

Germany answered, "His name is South Korea. Why do you ask?"

"No reason." Japan responded before taking a sip from his coffee. He wasn't sure, but the name sounded familiar to him. Maybe he heard it somewhere at work or in the radio. Even if he didn't know the person, somehow an uncomfortable feeling came to him. As if it's a warning from an unstoppable doom approaching him.

Maybe it's just the coffee, the gas station automat looked like it wasn't cleaned for months, but Japan was desperate to get a hot drink.

Germany on the other hand didn't notice Japan's uncomfort and was driving the car completely relaxed. Because they're driving in a police car any other driver on the road are keeping a generous distance from the two. No one dared to get unwanted attention from the police.

Only a couple of minutes later they arrived to their destination. "Let's see if the owner isn't busy." Germany said before leaving the car. Japan took a last gulp from his coffee, putting the empty cub back to he cupholder and stepped out of the vehicle.

Inside they got greeted by a receptionist asking them for the reason of their visit. Germany and Japan showed their licenses to the woman. After explaining that they want to see South Korea, the receptionist showed them the way.

On the way Japan felt more uncomfortable. Thinking that it might be from the coffee, he asked hesitantly, "I'm sorry, but where is the toilet?"

The receptionist pointed the way back and answered with a friendly smile, "Turn left, then the second right." Japan quickly thanked her and rushed away.

Germany sighed frustrated. She doesn't have the patience to wait for him. So she decided to continue without him. During their walk she looked at the many movie posters decorating the spacious hallway.

One of the poster was about a movie called "Who Killed Captain Alex" from Uganda production. The poster looked like a ten year old used Photoshop to create an over dramatized action movie.

Germany's attention went back to the woman as soon she stopped in front of a double door and opened it. She lead Germany inside a busy production studio.

Many people were walking around, putting up equipment and props. The scenery was a restaurant. Looks like they're filming a drama or romance movie.

The woman pointed over to the side of the hall where the actors are sitting to read their script. "He's the man wearing the red tuxedo."

The detective thanked the receptionist and walked past the busy workers. The other actors sitting there noticed her walking up to them. Except the man who's sitting with his back to her. "Excuse me, are you South Korea?"

The man with the script groaned loudly while leaning his head on his neck. He didn't bother to fully turn around to look at Germany and spoke, "For the last time I don't know what happened during America's party. Because I wasn't even there when it happened!"

A little confused Germany pulled out her police license and raised it so everyone could see it. "Actually I'm here for a different reason."

The police license grabbed South's attention and looked baffled at her. He turned around to see the other actresses silently watching them. His attitude changed immediately and now spoke with a more polite, but wary tone, "Let's talk outside. So we won't disturb the others during their work."

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