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The streets is like always busy in the morning. Germany tapped frustrated her finger on the steering wheel while standing in traffic jam. The whole morning was a disaster for her. At the beginning she got called to her boss's office since he got informed about the accident she caused.

To explain it short. He was very pissed.

Not only he ranted Germany about how irresponsible she was, but also threatened her that if the true information of the accident ever gets leaked out, then he will immediately fire her.

Japan also didn't come unharmed from the situation. Their boss scolded him for allowing chaos to happen. After all he was only put with Germany to keep an eye on her. To prevent problems like this from happening.

On that day forward he has to follow Germany at every step and if they both cause one more problem, then they both will lose their jobs. After the threat the two both were allowed to leave and continue their work. At least Germany tried to continue, but Japan decided to play the silent game and didn't spoke a word to her the whole time.

Germany looked over to Japan who's starring out of the window to the pedestrians, as they went faster than them. The whole time he didn't acknowledge the other detective's presence. Annoyed Germany asked him, "How long will you play this childish game?"

No response.

She felt back on her seat and complained,"I can't believe how childish you are. What's even your problem?"

For the first time since hours Japan spoke to her, "My problem?" He turned to Germany and answered irritated, "My problem is that I only wanted to work with you because I want my own office back, but instead I'm risking my whole career because of you!"

"No one asked you to do it. Go and ask to be partnered with someone else." She said and saw how the cars are starting to slowly move.

"I wish I could." Japan whispered under his breath. "What were you even thinking?"

Shifting the gear Germany answered, "I was attacked by a masked man with a weapon. I had to do something!"

"And causing a traffic accident was your solution!?"

"What would you have done in my place?" Finally she could drive forward.

"I don't know. Maybe hit the guy. You were in a car! You could have just simply run him over."

Germany responded baffled, "So you would try to kill him!?"

"If he's trying to kill me, then yes. It's called self defense." Japan explained and saw on the horizon how the traffic light switched to red.

Germany stopped sharply the car and was close to punch her fist against the steering wheel. But she managed to hold back the stored anger inside her. So far the traffic and Japan were doing the opposite of helping her.

Japan noticed her behavior and decided to better stay silent for the remaining time. The last thing he wants was to start another fight. He observed the sidewalk and all the people walking there. Unexpected two men walking past him caught his eyes. He recognized their flags and how one of them is wearing an arm cast. Immediately he slide down his seat to hide from the two.

Germany looked weird at him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Japan answered trying to play it of as normal. Germany dismissed his strange behavior and saw how the traffic starts to move.

Internally Japan breathed out relieved when the car finally moved forward and drove away from their spot. He feared that they would cause a scene and get Germany's attention, if they would've spotted him.

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