5. Visiting Old Friends

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Japan stood on the sidewalk barely awake in the morning. Even though 8 am isn't that early for him, but he only managed to get two hours of sleep after staying at work overnight.

The streets are like always extremely busy in the morning, so he guessed that Germany would take a while until she arrives at their meeting place.

For unknown reason she called him hours before and told him to meet at the city park's entrance. Far away from the police station. He had no idea why and she only responded that she'll explain everything inside the car.

"Why do I have to be so far from the station?" Japan mumbled to himself.

To his delight only five minutes later he noticed the black privat car of Germany parking next to the sidewalk. That's for him very odd, but for now he didn't question it. The detective walked to the car and entered inside.

Driving off Japan didn't get time to ask any questions as the next thing he felt was a thick file dropping on his lap. "What's this?"

Not looking away from the road Germany answered, "Our next clue. I found out what the victim's tattoo was. Inside are all the information."

Japan opened the file and his eyes widen as soon he saw the title. "Oh no. No, no, no. We're not getting involved with the Red Sickle!"

"Just read the file. Inside are all the information you need to know."

"No Germany! I got put with you to prevent you from getting involved with the gang. How will our boss react?"

"He doesn't need to know." Germany mumbled.

Japan stared at her in disbelief. He couldn't believe that their case had any connections with the Red Sickle. The victims were a young nurse and a cashier working in a gas station. The Gang are famous for murders, arson and blackmailing. It's impossible that the victims had any connections with one of the biggest gang in the city.

No way Japan would let it go. He closed the file and said, "We won't get involved into this. Stop the car and turn back to the station."

"Listen Japan. I know it's a lot, but Estonia was probably a member. That's why she tried to get rid of her tattoo. If we solve the case, then we'll finally have something against the gang. We'll maybe even bring peace in the city if we do that. Isn't that what we want!" Germany explained enthusiastic. She feared a bit about telling those information with Japan, but in being able to work together she had to tell him everything.

She gave a small glance to the man. He obviously reacted unimpressed at her little speech.

She pressed her mouth to a thin line. Less confident she continued while her eyes followed the street, "Okay it seems that I'm the only one who wants it, but if we stop our work right there because of some bad people, then we'll never find the murderer and you won't get your own office back. Do you want to be stuck with me forever until one of us retire?"

Japan grimace at the thought of it. He wants back to his old office. Having his own room. Not to be bothered by anyone anymore, or like right now not being dragged around without giving explanation.

But is it worth to risk? The Red Sickle is a tabu topic in the police station. He remembers how often he had to destroy documents because an investigation was involved with the gang. He never questioned it. If it was an order from higher-ups, then he follows it. Looking back at the file on his lap, he hesitantly opened it.

He was surprised at how many papers there were. "How did you get those documents?" Japan asked baffled.

"Namibia sometimes 'forget' to clean her desk and I often visit inside her office, but most of them I collected it myself." Germany explained.

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