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East tried to open his eyes, but immediately regrets it. Everything is turning around and the lights blinded him. Quickly he shut his eyes. After a while he tried again. This time the lights became softer and his surroundings stopped moving. It was still smudged, but he can live with that for the short while until his eyes fully become sharp again.

He moved his hands only to notice that something was tapped on his left hand. Without looking he carefully touched it with his other hand. Some kind of white tube was taped on his hand.

East tried to pull against it, but out of nowhere someone stopped him by grabbing on his wrist. "Don't pull it you idiot!"

He turned his head only to see the smudged silhouette of his sister. Completely confused East asked, "Where am I?"

Germany let go from his wrist, "In the hospital. You were out for some hours."

East frowned. He doesn't remember going to the hospital. With a lot of strength he raised his head to see that he is still wearing his work uniform. He looks over to Germany and noticed how messy her hair and clothes are. "What happened?"

Instead of answering his question Germany asked him, "What is the last thing you remember?"

East frowned. He moved his free hand over his hair, concentrating on what he last remembered. "I... I was in the middle of work. Kazakhstan came for a visit. We talked and for some reason I gave him my phone, but I'm not sure why. After that I don't remember."

He watched how Germany sat down on a chair next to his bed. She let out a heavy sigh. Germany wasn't sure were to start. How should she tell him that his coworker is a hitman and hold him hostage. Or how should she explain him that Kazakhstan drugged him.

East had a difficult past with drug abuse. After all the obstacles he finally was freed from his addiction and had a record of 25 months being clean. Is it now thrown to waste since he was under influence again?

Her eyes waved over to East. He was still dazed, blood shot eyes and the color was a bit pale, but overall he looks better than how she found him inside the abandoned station. There he was shaking from lack of body heat and no matter how much she tried to call him, East wasn't responsive, or his reaction was heavily delayed.

But now he's in a better health. It's probably the best to tell him what happened, but Germany will not mention about him being drugged. Maybe when he's in a better condition she might tell it to him.

Unexpectedly someone knocked on the door before the person opened it. Germany who was facing her back to the door, turned around and saw that it's Japan entering the room with hesitation in his movement.

He wasn't sure if it was the right time to disturb them, but the detectives still have work to do and he doesn't like to waste more time waiting in the hospital.

East moved his head up to get a better look. When he saw Japan he questioned weary, "Who is he?"

Instead of Japan introducing himself, Germany gave a half-heartedly answer, "His name is Japan. He's a detective working with me on the case."

Japan wasn't sure how to greet. Instead he awkwardly waved his hand before quickly turning to Germany, "I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but we still have some work to finish."

She was about to answer, but then her gaze meet with East's upset look. Quickly she changed her answer to Japan, "Give me a minute. Can you?"

Japan only nodded before leaving the room.

As soon the door closed she heard East asking with his hoarse voice, "You're going to leave me there alone?"

Germany pressed her lips into a thin line, desperately thinking for an excuse. But as no idea came she decided to boldly tell him the truth, "I'm sorry, but I need to go. I still have a lot of work to do."

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