25. turn the lIghts off

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Hours before.

Inside the building was deadly silent. No soul was there except one who's standing behind the counter with a sharp knife on his hand. With a swift motion he cut down the stem in an angle and put the cut flowers in a bundle. After putting the ribbon on it, East proudly raised the bouquet to have a better look at his work.

It's not perfect as he accidentally cut two lilies shorter than he should, but overall he's satisfied with the result. When he placed the flower bouquet in the water bucket he heard the bell over the door ringing. Quickly he turned his head. A smile formed on his face as he saw Kazakhstan entering the store. "Finally you're back! How are you?"

Kazachstan haltered before turning towards East. He looked far from good. Dark circles underneath his eyes from the week of restless nights. Dried blood crust closed the wound on his temple and the badly wrapped bandage around his hand. "I'm a bit tired, but overall I'm alright. Is Rwanda there?"

East was stunned for a moment after seeing in what a state he is, but he won't mention it. Instead he answered his question, "No. He went to do some errands."

"He left you alone inside the store?" Kazachstan asked surprised. It was rare that Rwanda would leave his flower shop without supervision.

As an answer to his question East nodded with a bright smile, "Yup and as you can see I have everything under control." Kazachstan had to smile when he sees East's proud face.

He shouldn't get attached to his friend. After all Kazakhstan needs to use him for his mission. Inside his jacket pocket he could feel the syringe with the narcotic in it. It's the easiest way to get to him.

Suddenly they both heard a phone ringing. East took out his phone from his pocket and looked who's calling. His smiling face immediately dropped into a frown as he saw the name on the screen.

Curious to why he doesn't pick up the call Kazakhstan asked, "Who is calling you?"

"My sister." East answered with a displeased tone. Kazakhstan stiffened. Inside him started to get nervous. Does she know that it's him who's doing the murder? If so, then Germany will try to warn East and it would make his job way more difficult.

However East doesn't pick up the call. Instead he put the still ringing phone on the counter, ignoring it. Confused Kazakhstan asked him, "Don't you want to pick it up?"

East shook his head, "Nahh. That's what she get for giving Austria my phone number. I told her I don't want to go to the stupid trip and yet she somehow managed to get Austria to call me. And over all she only calls me if it's work related, or someone in the family forces her to do so."

"Sounds kinda harsh." Kazakhstan only commented as he approached closer to the counter.

East only shrugged his shoulder. "Its not that I don't lover her. I do. After all she's still my sister, but sometimes I wonder if she even cares about me. She's very focused on her job and barely visits me, or asks how I am. I could go missing and she would probably not notice it after a week, or even longer."

"Are you sure?" Kazakhstan asked in wonder. If that's the case, then kidnapping East wouldn't be very effective as he thought.

The phone rang for a second time. It's was Germany again. Seeing this Kazakhstan changed his mind back. She's desperately trying to get in contact with East. That means she does care for him.

East grabbed the phone and put it on silent before putting it back on the counter. Kazakhstan looks at the phone. "Hey sorry to ask you this, but can I have your phone for a second. Mine is broken and I need to call someone."

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