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Japan sat inside the office. He's in his work flow while writing the investigation's report and making sure to leave out any clues about the Red Sickle. After he typed the last word, he saved it and satisfied leaned back on his chair. Japan raised his arms and stretched his back.

Today was a rather good day for him. Sure the morning was rough with those two thieves and the smelling corpse, but the rest of the day was nice. For the first time since working here Japan had a normal conversation with Denmark and during the whole day he had the office for himself.

Finally it's a quiet and peaceful day.

The door get slammed open. Poland entered the room with Lithuania and Germany close behind him. "Never again I will sit in a car with you."

Japan watched how Poland stomped the chair standing in front of Germany's desk and sat down. Germany asked with the same annoyed tone, "Was that referred to your brother or to me?"

Poland snarled, "Both, but especially to you," he pointed to the detective, "You nearly killed me." Germany rolled her eyes annoyed and walked behind her desk without any comments.

"What's going on?" Japan asked hesitant and confused. Until now they noticed him and Germany explained short, "We got attacked on the way to the police. I assume that he was our killer, but I'm not sure."

"Did anyone got hurt?" He asked concerned. Germany sat down and answered, "I don't know. A patrol is already at the scene to investigate."

Lithuania stood in the middle of the office and raised his handcuffs while asking Germany, "Can you release my hands?"

She nodded and waived for him to come closer. Walking to her desk the detective said, "Just promise me that you won't attack Poland again."

"No worries. Now we're quits." Lithuania said while shooting glares to Poland who shared the same look. Not commenting on that Germany pulled her keys out and opened his handcuffs. Lithuania rubbed his stiff hands.

She started to question him with a very serious tone, "Now tell me anything you know about Albania, Estonia and Ukraine."

He looked around not sure how to answer. After a big pause he clicked his tongue and finally answered, "We four were friends for a very long time. I don't know who killed Esti or who stabbed Albania, but Ukraine is still alive."

"And where is he?" Germany asked and noticed how Poland slightly flinched when she asked that question.

"Weellll-" Lithuania looked over to Poland but he already avoided his eyes and stare down on the wooden floor. Seeing that he won't get any help Lithuania answered, "He got recently sent to the hospital."

"For what?"

"For his Leukemia."

Germany was stunned. She took a second before continuing, "Then we will visit him tomorrow. We have to warn him about the killer and maybe he's got some information for us."

For the first time since walking in the office Poland gave a question to the detective, "And what to we do now?"

Germany thought for a moment. So far they don't know if the masked killer is still alive and following them. She isn't sure how many information the stranger had. So far the killer knew Germany would take that specific road to drive to the station.

"Right now the best option would not to be alone." Germany mumbled and looked at Lithuania before asking him, "Do you live by your own or with someone else?"

"I live alone." He answered short to which Germany responded, "Then it will be best if you go to Poland's home-"

"WAIT wait wait!" Poland jumped up waving his hands around, "Did I hear it right? You want me to let him sleep at my place!?"

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