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Saying that things went out of control was an understatement. It took a long time until Germany managed to stop their fighting and separate them. The bartender was about to call the police, but Germany could convince him to keep it silent. Showing her license around always worked to silence anyone.

Now the sun slowly goes down while the three are driving to the station. Poland sat grumpy on his shotgun seat holding a bag of frozen mix vegetables against his head. The bartender was nice enough to give it to him for free. The very pissed Lithuanian sat on the back seat, thrashing his handcuffed hands around.

On the back rear mirror Germany watched how he constantly tries to free his hands. A pointless attempt that only causes annoying rattling sounds. "Give up. It's impossible to open the handcuffs without a key." She looked back on the street.

"Actually it's possible." Poland countered tired. His head hurt from the fight and his voice was slightly hoarse after the two shouted and cursed eachother. Nonetheless he explained, "Any small thin metal piece is enough to open the handcuffs. You only need it to push between the rachet teeth and the lock that's holding it. If you don't have any tools, then you could simply dislocate the connection of your thumb from your hand-"

Poland suddenly stopped and in panic turned back to his brother, shouting," DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!"

Germany turned around to see Lithuania had raised his leg, so his hand was between his foot and the car door. He noticed them staring at him. So he reluctantly put his leg down and moved back to sit normal. "As if I'm that stupid." He growled and looked away.

Her eyes went back on the road and she thought concerned, 'Was he really about to dislocate his thumb?'

Poland also turned back to stare on the street, but he couldn't hold back his comment and spoke under his breath, "Of course you're stupid. It's not the first time you did that."

"Says the one who once broke his leg." Lithuania whispered loud enough to be heard. Poland shot back barking, "Yes! Because you pushed me of a tree!"

"It was an accident!"

"An accident was you being born!"

"Can you both shut up!" Germany had enough of their quarrel. Thankfully for her both men quiet down. The car ride was silent. It's passt working hours so the streets were basically empty. Lithuania started to speak with a low voice, "Since when do you work with the police?"

"I don't." Poland answered, "A year ago we made a deal that I'll help her and for this she won't rat me out to the police."

"So she got you on the leash." Lithuania showed a mocking grin.

"One more comment and I'm gonna hit your face." Poland threatened.

"Pfff- Do it. Your face still looks more uglier than mine."

Germany sighed as they both really are balancing on her last string of nerve. Not taking her eyes of the road she asked, "Why are both like that? Can't you two be normal and reconcile?"

Lithuania just shrugged and answered sarcastically, "Oh sure. Doesn't matter that he left me alone back then and let me in belief that he was dead for over a decade."

Poland turned to him and asked surprised, "You really thought I was dead"

His brother hesitantly nodded, "I never saw your body, but they made a picture of what they did to you and showed it as a warning. If anyone dares to run away like you did, then they'll meet the same fate."

Without a word Poland turned back. Pressing the frozen vegetables bag harder against his head. He never thought his escape would cause a lot of attention in the gang.

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