49. Bound

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Once Zuri, Lucien and baby Eli left, Angelina made quick work of tidying the kitchen. Mason cleaned the cups and set them on the rack to dry. Angelina noted that her mate appeared particularly at ease as he wiped down the table. He stopped moving about when he noticed her intense stare. He arched an eyebrow in question.

"I have something to tell you." She admitted.

Mason dropped the wet sponge into the sink and cornered her against it. His approach was all predator, and he was well aware of it. "I'm all ears." His words sounded like a seductive purr. For a brief moment, she wondered if he had taken a sip of alcohol, but his breath smelt clean and slightly fruity from their earlier drinks.


Angelina had her words ready, but she became distracted by his collarbone. His shirt was slightly open, revealing his sun-kissed skin. She bit her lip, tracing the outline of his collarbone. She gasped in surprise when she felt Mason's lips press against the pulse at her neck. He pressed their hips together with purpose. Angelina held his shoulders, fisting the material of his shirt in her hands.

She breathed in him, memorising his heady scent.

"Take me upstairs?"

Mason didn't hesitate. He took her hand, leading her up the stairs. She didn't mind that he skipped a couple of steps in the process. She followed easily, matching his long strides as stealthily as he did.

Once they reached his room, he gently guided her in first, locking the door behind him.

Angelina sauntered to the edge of his bed, completely aware of his blazing gaze on her back. She peered over her shoulder, drawing his gaze. Mason made no move to approach her just yet. He remained near the door, watching her raptly.

Angelina began unbuttoning the line of buttons that ran up the side of her dress. When she popped the last button, Mason closed the distance between them, holding the delicate straps of her dress between his fingers. Mason dipped his lips to the skin on her back, pressing butterfly kisses there as he tugged her dress down until it fluttered like silk around her feet.

When she turned, Mason whipped off his shirt and unbuckled his belt. Angelina held his darkened gaze as she helped him take off his dress pants. Mason didn't let her linger because he abruptly took her hips, leading her backwards to the wide mattress.

"You're quiet tonight." Angelina noted.

Mason cupped the back of her right thigh, "Lean back."

Angelina obeyed, letting her body fall. Mason followed, covering her body with his own. Mason radiated enough heat to warm her up as she relished the feel of his smooth skin. "Still bossy though."

Mason peppered her neck and collarbone with soft, light kisses. She felt her eyelids grow heavy with pleasure. Her mate had way of making her feel things she thought unworldly. When he began sucking on her neck, Angelina was absolutely helpless to muffle her moan. "Mason." She breathed, clutching his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. She didn't break skin, but she had a feeling Mason wouldn't have minded. He would've assumed that she had lost control during their union, which would only bring nothing but pure, male satisfaction that he pleasured his mate thoroughly.

Mason lifted his head an inch, so he could catch her gaze and hold it. "Too much?" He asked.

Angelina instantly shook her head.

Mason grinned, appearing pleased. For a long moment, he simply stared at her. She tilted her head, wondering what he saw in her. She tried to imagine but she couldn't summon anything to mind. She offered him a small, almost sweet smile. She couldn't help but feel mortifyingly vulnerable beneath him, but she trusted this certain Alpha. Mason's smirk slowly disappeared as he stared at her lips for a protracted second. Her smile faltered as she discerned the quick shift in his expression.

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