25. The Girl With Green Eyes

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Angelina jolted from her afternoon nap to the sound of screaming.

The type of screaming you never wanted to hear.

She rolled out of bed. The book she was reading through earlier dropped at her feet as she ambled to the window settee, peering out to the yard where a woman held a limp boy in her arms. Even from where she stood, she could see that he was much too pale to be considered fine. "ALPHA! PLEASE! OH GODDESS!"

Mason was out on the grass a second later.

After he had left in the morning, it appeared that he found himself a pair of denim jeans to wear that had a frayed hole in the right knee. Angelina was confident that the hole wasn't a fashion trend. He also wore an airy shirt that ruffled when the breeze grazed his sides. His feet were bare, which struck her as weird as he fell to his knees beside the boy, checking over him as the mother cried on in agony.

It reminded her of the cries the Pack shed when Jack had been found.

Angelina unlatched the window slightly, listening in.

"Someone get Tamsyn here!" Mason ordered.

"Already phoned her. She's-"

"-Here. I'm here." The woman herself looked as if she appeared out of thin air. She was dressed elegantly in a flowing summer dress with pink roses. Trailing her in a dark, sharp suit ensemble was Irene. The woman approached the scene solemnly, examining the situation.

"Tell us what happened." Mason asked the sobbing woman as Tamsyn took the boy, laying him out on the grass. She checked his pulse, his mouth and patted him from head to toe, searching for injuries.

"I don't know. I just came to wake him up and he wasn't responding. He's breathing fine and all but he's not waking up."

Since they were all right below her window, she scrutinised the sleeping boy.

"That's Brett."

Angelina suffocated the scream in her throat as the familiar little girl crawled up beside her on the settee and pressed her nose close against the window. "He stayed too long." She whispered quietly, her breath making a circle of fog against the glass.

"May? What are you doing here?" She had to clear her throat before asking. She almost had a heart-attack because of the girl. She still couldn't believe how quiet the girl had been.

Emerald eyes blinked up at her, "Hi Angelina. Sorry I spooked you. I'm not good at being loud enough sometimes when I come to a room." She sounded sad, "I didn't scare you too badly did I?" She blinked up at her with round, apologetic eyes.

"No, that's okay."

"He needs help quickly Angelina." May whispered, solemn. It was strange hearing such a tone in the little girl's voice.

"You see Tamsyn there? She's there to heal him." She softened her voice. She didn't want to make her worry. From what she experienced herself and felt, she knew Tamsyn was more than an adequate healer. The woman used her affinity to benefit the Pack. She had a healer's heart that mourned when anyone was hurt. "I'm sure she'll get him healed up in no time." She assured the little girl.

"She won't be able to wake him up." May shook her head. Her lopsided ponytails bounced from the jerky movements. "But you can." She brightened. "All you got to do is this." The little girl took her hands and blew a soft current into her palms. Cold air brushed her hands. When she glanced down at her fingers, nothing looked different except for the coolness that felt like it created a thin invisible film over her skin.

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