28. Come And Get It

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Word from Riley and Drake came a few hours into the night.

As the day drew on, Mason had left at some point to assist a Pack member going through their first Shiver. It was admirable the way he dropped everything and left but before he went, he paused at the doorframe, peering back at her with an inscrutable expression on his face. "You can come with me. You know that right?"

Angelina chewed her lip. She had wanted to go with him but she needed a little more time in her own little world before she dared to venture out. She usually wouldn't care about what others thought but these people in the Pack were hers now, even if they were still reluctant to accept her. She was too vulnerable at the moment to be pawed at by anyone. Her thoughts were still spinning. She would get a hold of her emotions soon. She just needed a little time.

"Next time." She eventually replied.

Mason didn't question her. He nodded, taking a long look at her face before he left.

Now, he had just returned a few minutes ago to her room.

His hair was a mess and tired lines formed at the edges of his mouth.

Angelina had already prepared for bed, showered, and dressed in her sleeping tee. She came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging from her lips with suds dripping down her chin when he entered, raking a hand through his locks.

In that moment, she had never felt so sexy in her life. Not.

She quickly ducked back inside the bathroom, rinsed her mouth, and gargled with mouth wash before she bobbed back outside. "Did everything go well?"

"Yeah, she's doing good. Just tired. Her brother is with her now." Mason took a seat on the edge of her bed. "It was a good one. Nothing concerning. Thank fuck."

"She's lucky to have you there through her Shiver."

Mason didn't respond to that. He simply kicked off his boots and neatly placed them at the foot of the bed. "I just got word from Drake."

Angelina perked up, "Did they find anything?"

"A lot actually. He sent through some photos and bits of information I've already forwarded to the human authorities. They'll be pleased to know that this Mischa guy has been doing shady things right beneath their noses."

"So a Mischa does live at that address Jack gave me?"

"Yes. Drake tried to gain entry but there's quite a bit of security surrounding the building. Lots of cameras too. He heard that he'll leave tomorrow morning to catch a flight. While he's gone, we'll intrude. Riley has managed to get a rough draft of the building layout. There's definitely company with him in the building, aside from the bodyguards."

"Hopefully, we'll get some answers soon." Angelina ambled to her spot on the settee. "Thank you for organising Riley and Drake to go check out the address."

"That's okay." He stretched out on her bed, before he was rolled on his side, watching her through his thick lashes "I noted you still haven't moved your things to my room. Do you need help?"

"Nice try but no." Angelina chuckled, "I'm good."

"We'll see." He replied. "What is that book you're reading?"

"This?" Angelina tipped the title to his vision so he could read it. "It's about the Armed Legions."

Mason blinked, stunned. "What did you find?"

"Nothing interesting."

If anything, Mason looked more insulted than ever.

"What just happened there?" She motioned to his spectacular face. "You made a face."

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