27. Playing With Fire

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Angelina was going mad.

She couldn't go outside for fresh air or take a run in her wolf because the simple fact was, if she did venture outside, she would surely walk into Pack members who made it a mission to make her feel miserable. She was in no mood to stumble across anyone like that because she was on a cliff's edge, feeling the gravel beneath her toes crumble bit by bit.

If she accidentally came across anyone, she wouldn't be able to belt down her emotions.

If Arabella knew that her daughter had become a Luna to a Pack that despised her guts from the Montgomery name alone, she would throw flowers up and laugh with glee. Maybe even offer a burnt sacrifice to the Moon Goddess for Fate's play in this whole messed up scenario.

Angelina climbed into her bed, staring morosely up at the ceiling.

Drake and Riley still hadn't called to report anything yet.

Mason had gone down to check on the prisoners again. She was positive his visit constituted more of a violent approach that included blood and tears, rather than a boring string of questions.

Dani and Casper were still gone. She hadn't heard a single peep from them. She understood that Casper would need time, especially considering she hadn't known that her comment would only deliver heartache.

Angelina didn't have anyone to call and rant to, because she was keeping a distance from Rosie and Eris until she could find Evie and she didn't want to bother the Roux couple with her worries. She didn't want them fretting about her current state either because she was aware that they would demand she get her derriere to Le Sucre so they could talk. No matter how desperately she wanted to call them, she refrained.

She couldn't help but yearn for someone to talk to. The last time she had felt this weighed down by the circumstances in her life, she went to a bar and got roaring drunk. She instantly regretted the idea when she woke up disorientated, with a splitting headache that made her body ache with nothing but regret and fatigue.

She didn't want to lose herself in a bottle of alcohol, nor did she want to find a warm body to soothe her. The thought made her wince, because it felt entirely wrong to do anything akin to that when she was mated to Mason- despite their obvious issues.

And she wasn't going to find that type of comfort with Mason.

Her body warmed at the idea but her heart and mind recoiled at the idea of using Mason like that.

Since a bottle of alcohol or a naked Mason in bed weren't viable options, she ruminated on that last option she had.

It probably wasn't a wise one.

But she had nothing else.

She had no shoulder to cry on nor did she have a hand of aid lifted her way.

It was pathetic and she didn't feel like crying. She couldn't let herself succumb to her emotions.

Without thinking too hard on it, Angelina feasted her eyes on the colourful fabrics spread wide in her suitcase. She couldn't help but clasp her hands together beneath her chin as she perused the selection of items fanned out before her. She grabbed two scraps of the soft, gauzy material and ducked into her bathroom with a giddy smirk.

Yeah, she was going to have so much fun.

Three hours later

It was hot.

She should've stopped when she dug into her fifth bag of gummy snakes but she couldn't be stopped. One bag of gummies became two, then three, until she was rummaging through the fifth pack, pulling out only the pink and purple snakes. She neatly packed the others into a plastic bag for some other poor sucker to eat.

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