47. Lights

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A few days later

The air was cool and the sky ominously dark when the Pack gathered before dawn.

No one knew what was going on, aside from the Council.

The Pack members observed their Alpha, looking for any indication on how they should act but Mason gave nothing away. He simply stood beside Angelina, watching the dark point where the sun would rise. He wore white, as did the other Council members, including Angelina herself. Her dress was of a simple make that covered her toes. The sleeves were long too, draping off her fingers in wispy tendrils.

Casper stood on Angelina's other side, clutching Dani's hand tightly. The rest of the Council members filled in the empty spots beside Dani and Mason.

"Is she here?" Casper asked, pushing the words through his lips.

Angelina scanned their surroundings, looking for the little girl in her ladybug dress. As if summoned, Angelina spotted the moment May appeared. She walked up to Angelina with a small, shy smile.

There was something in her expression that made her breath hitch.

May stopped right in front of Angelina. The little girl tilted her head back and her lips unfurled into a devastating smile.

"May." Angelina whispered, lowering herself onto her haunches.

May immediately jumped into her arms, folding her arms around her neck. "Hey Angie."

"Everyone is here for you." Angelina told the little girl as she released her slowly.

May rotated on her feet, taking in the rows of Pack members. She was quick to find Casper and her smile faltered a little.

May took her hand and held it tightly. "Will he be upset with me wanting to go?"

"Never." Angelina reassured the little girl. "You'd never do anything that would make Casper think any less of you."

May took in a deep breath, nodding. "I'm ready."

Angelina stood and extended her hand to Drake. Drake gently took her hand. The moment he looked upon May, his body softened. The man literally turned from bear to cub as he cupped May's cheek and ruffled her hair. The girl giggled as Drake whispered a few words into her ear. When he finally said bye, his voice had become rough with emotion. May gave him a tight hug and offered a small wave that made the grown man's breath hitch.

One by one, the Council members came forward, held Angelina's hand, and offered May their well wishes.

Pack members also came forth too. Most were astounded by Angelina's gift, marvelling at the novelty of it.

Mason was one of the last people to embrace the little girl. May took his embrace with a wide smile. She whispered something against the man's cheek that made Mason blink in surprise. May then pecked his cheek, leaving the man silent and unmoving from his crouch as she left his side. Lucien soon swept in, folding the little girl into his arms. The man said something that made the girl erupt into a fit of giggles. Angelina was aware of the wet eyes around the Pack that took in the bittersweet scene.

May cupped Lucien's cheeks and said, "Your baby will have your pretty eyes."

Lucien's eye misted. "You know how my baby bean looks like?"

May nodded, "Yeah."

Lucien pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead as he let her go.

May then coiled her arms around Angelina's thigh and beamed up at her. "I'm going to miss you, Luna. I'm happy I got to meet you."

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