16. Unravel

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The meeting went to fuck the moment Irene opened her mouth.

Casper returned a few minutes ago, casting an apologetic glance his way. Mason accepted the silent apology. He would talk to him soon once the meeting ceased.

The woman had reasonable concerns to begin with, stating that the changelings who have recently experienced the Shiver needed more support, perhaps more of his help if he stepped back on going through the endless documents in his office. There were still boxes full of papers he needed to examine through before the end of the week. He enjoyed being hands on with his Pack mates but he also needed to put pen to paper. Just thinking of the workload made his head pulse with an ache.

"Going along with this, I think there's something imperative that needs to be discussed." Irene declared.

Mason already knew by the devious glint in her eye that Irene was out for his balls before she spoke.

"I don't mean to misstep Alpha but there have been concerns regarding that woman you're keeping here."

Mason knew the words were coming. He just hadn't thought that the woman would go through with it. He was mildly amused; it was almost like watching a mouse run after a dangling piece of cheese without avail.

He was aware that everyone had suddenly perked up in their seats. It took some control to stifle a snort when he had seen Drake's gaze already glazed with boredom once Irene began. He felt a tinge of remorse by how uncomfortable Tamsyn appeared seated next to the matriarch of her family.

"That woman has a name Irene. Angelina."

Irene could barely keep the sneer off her face. "Angelina Montgomery."

Huh, so she did know her name, her full one too. "I'm aware of the young woman residing in the Pack and for now, she is under my care and protection unless she proves herself to be a threat to the Pack. It was an oath I had given her."

"She's from Eris's Pack Alpha. That alone should have guaranteed she had no entry to the Pack."

"I would like to think that we were way beyond rudimentary prejudice Irene. The circumstances that have led Angelina into our care and protection are sufficient enough."

"She's a danger Alpha!"

"Irene." He slammed his palm against the tabletop. The lavish furniture trembled.

His voice rang as silence descended, sucking out the rest of the noise in the room.

"Mother, let's cool down." Tamsyn tried to ease the tense atmosphere. Irene did nothing but huff out a breath, trying to reign in her emotions.

"I somewhat agree with what Irene mentioned." Evan spoke up.

Riley perked up, shaking her head but her brother continued on as if he was blind to his sister's signal. Mason appreciated the little show of support but he didn't need it. Evan had always been one of the men in the Pack who did more than just talk about protecting the Pack. He made weapons in the name of protecting Silver Dawn. He was still young and his reasoning were simply black or white.

"Do you trust me Evan?" He asked his fellow Council member.

Evan blinked, alarmed by the question. He ducked his head, searching his sister's expression for a hint of an appropriate response. Riley made no move to help her relative this time. Mason took the opportunity to relieve the weighted tension in the room. "I ask for nothing but trust from you Evan. Trust me enough to know that I won't let anything come upon this Pack. If Angelina proves to be a woman other than I what I deemed her to be, she'll be dealt with accordingly by my own hands."

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