33. No One Like You

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Angelina hesitated at the front door of the Pack House. Briefly, she wondered if she was making the right choice deciding to join the outside world but she had no choice. If she remained caged inside her room, it would be sending out the wrong message.

Although she didn't give two shits whether the Pack liked her or not, her staying inside the Pack House, acting like Rapunzel was doing nothing for her, or the wild imaginations of the Pack members. No one locked her inside her room. She was free to roam around. In fact, she was sure Mason was somewhat uneasy that she was hesitating to mingle around the Pack members. They were his people and he was their leader.

That aside, she felt her wolf become restless.

She drew in a breath and left the Pack House before her brain could tell her to retreat. She was surprised she hadn't made indents into the doorknob when she released the thing. She forced her feet further and further away from the Pack House until she approached the large field she often glimpsed from the spot from her window settee. Back in her room, she could spot Mason, Dani, and Drake sauntering along the line of teenage kids. It made it easier for her to approach the field.

When Angelina drew closer, she could hear Drake's voice reverberate across the field, sending orders.

"No, that's not it! Stiffen those spines! This ain't fucking Mulan- what the hell was that?"

Angelina approached the spot where Mason stood, watching Drake and Dani work their way through the rows of young shifters. She noted that he hadn't sensed her close by until she brushed by his sleeve. He instantly tilted his head, until those beautiful, hazel eyes stuck her down. Surprise reflected his dark orbs. She could practically hear the unspoken question trapped in his throat.

"I told you I would come out one day." She muttered.

Mason nodded, "I just didn't realise one day, was today."

"I'm spontaneous." Angelina replied. "And a certain Alpha told me that this was my Pack too. I wanted to see what was going on."

Mason took this in, studying her expression. "Drake and Dani are teaching the kids some combat."

Angelina watched as Drake fixed a flustered kid's posture. It was probably the most solemn she'd seen the man. In that moment, there was no hint of the relaxed, teasing Drake in the sight, other than the small tilt of his lips.

Angelina nodded, watching Drake and Dani rake through the rows again, adjusting a kid's leg or arm. It was interesting to observe them in their speciality.

Drake proved to be quite the amazing teacher, keeping his instructions simple but still filled with occasional humour that he couldn't seem to shed despite how serious he was in directing his pupils.

She didn't know how long she stood and stared until they began to form a circle, where two kids now stood in the middle, facing each other.

"What's happening?" Angelina asked.

"Just practice sparring. Drake and Dani select an individual to spar against each other, after each training session."

Angelina focused on the scene in front of them. At first glance, she knew who'd win. Sure, the guy was big and packed with muscle but his opponent was the opposite, at least, physically. She was intrigued to the point, she began to approach the circle.

Just as she was able to see directly into the circle, she watched as the slender student put the bigger opponent onto his back, keeping him locked beneath his hold.

Drake whistled, ending the spar.

Both opponents stood up and clapped each other on the back. Angelina could hear the bigger guy compliment the winner, which made her smile inwardly.

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