Chapter 26: Get The Girl

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"He wasn't a bad person yanno?" Robin continued to explain, leading the way as Avila keenly followed her and the others back into the basement of Mr Lewis' House it turned out.
"Don't get me wrong, his lessons were horrendously boring, right Nance?" Robin added, standing with her hands on her hips, surrounded by boxes of junk. "He always did have this strange odour as well-"
"Robin, what's your point?!" Avila interrupted, impatiently.
"Oh, right, yeah." Robin chuckled, turning to a cardboard box to the right of her, and opening it she began to rummage through weirdly.
"Turns out Mr Lewis' talents didn't stop at recreational sports." She smirked, pulling a collection of baseball bats and hockey sticks from the large box in her possession. "He was also quite light fingered."
"I remember that now!" Mike declared, himself opening a box which was full to the brim with various balls for games. "He was fired for stealing sports equipment right?"
"Stealing sports equipment?" Avila rolled her eyes. "Seriously? And how does your sticky fingered, old sports coach help us with our plan?"
"Look around you." Nancy stated, striding over to a large duffle bag upon the floor, the contents of which was football helmets and shin guards.
"We need weapons right?" She asked Avila. "Turns out we have all the weapons we could need, right infront of us."
It seemed that only now Avila began to truly understand. Emptying box after box, this former teacher of theirs had really taken as much as he could get his hands on from the school. Bats to balls. Uniforms to helmets. It wasn't your typical choice of weaponry, but it would do for now.
"Here." Dustin passed Avila a wooden hockey stick. "This should work fine."
"Work fine for what?" She asked him. "I don't think this has the same properties as my spear I left hanging out of that demodogs head."
"No, but it should work against the zombies." Dustin laughed. "One whack across the head should do it."
Looking at him confused, Dustin picked up a stick for himself and began to demonstrate against thin air. Chuckling at him, Avila failed to understand at first what he was hinting at.
"Look at it this way." Robin butted in, standing between them with a baseball bat firmly within her hands, sporting a football helmet upon her head.
"The zombie turns towards you, you swing your weapon, wrap it around their head and..." Demonstrating as she spoke, Robin swung her bat swiftly. "Kablooie."
"Kablooie." Avila giggled. "Again Robin? Haven't you learnt not to use that strategy after what happened with Jonah?"
Laughing together for a moment, the two girls failed to notice how the boys' expressions changed suddenly at the mention of Jonah Carvers name.
"Dustin?" Avila's smile faded as she noticed the look of dread upon his face. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"Ummm." Dustin hesitated slightly. "Speaking of Jonah..."
Glancing over at Lucas, his friend took the lead. He felt it was only right to do so, seeing as he was the last person to see Jason alive supposedly.
"Back at Creel House. We found a body." Lucas explained delicately. "It was Jonah's brother, Jason."
Most certainly shocked by the revelation, Avila remained silent. She didn't know Jason personally, but what she did know was how this would affect Jonah. This would surely break him for good. It would break his heart.
"Well there we go then." She sighed, deeply. Striding over towards another box of equipment, she began removing various items from it, passing them to her friends.
"What better reason than that do we need to fight?" She added.
Heading towards the door that lead back up to the main house, Robin darted once again to stop her cousin dead in her tracks.
"Woah, hang on!" Robin held her back. "Where are you going? We don't even have a plan yet-"
"I'm going out there to fight, and find Jonah." Avila informed her, strongly. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed how her behaviour had attracted an audience. It seemed it wasn't just her cousin who was confused by her concerns for the Carver boy.
"Jonah deserves to know what happened to his brother." Avila stated, staring them all down.
"With all due respect, Jason wasn't a good guy." Lucas insisted, cross armed he avoided eye contact with her. "Jonah isn't much better, more so since he got all flayed by Vecna-"
"Funnily enough Lucas, I don't care!" Avila blurted out, confused and quite frankly offended by their views.
"You know, when I arrived in Hawkins.. apart from you guys, Jonah was my first friend." Avila reminded them. "He was kind to me, he looked after me. And now he's been lead down the complete wrong path... but I know deep down he's still the same good guy i met on the border of the woods."
The rest of the gang remained quiet. Avila was making complete sense. Sadly, they'd all experienced similar situations before. Vecna, the mindflayer.... they have their ways of manipulating and changing a person's ways. Once they do, it's usually impossible for that person to come back as they were. Or survive at all.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna get myself ready to fight." Avila continued to rattle around the room, a hockey stick held firmly within her hands. "It's the least Jonah deserves."

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