Chapter 3: Jonah and The Curse

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"Team 2003, do you copy?" Jonah tried to reach the remainder of his night team through the walkie once more, unsuccessfully. "Hello?!"
It was late, as he trekked back through Hawkins, onto the edge of the woods. Jonah often enjoyed to walk along the edge of the town, where it meets the diseased land. The barbed wire fence kept him safe enough from the disease that was taking over his beloved town, but also at a reasonable distance to feed his curiosity. The red, lightning filled sky, the dust covered air above his head. It was unlike anything Jonah had seen in his lifetime. He was itching to learn more.
He attempted the radio once more.
"Team 2-0-0-3. Do you copy?"
Strange. It was unusual to not be able to contact any of your team mates. Unless something seriously bad had happened.
Picking up his pace now, Jonah began to panic as he made his way across the woods towards the west side of Hawkins. What if his team were in real trouble? He'd never forgive himself for straying off target and assisting Avila. He'd over stepped the mark massively by walking her home, after the little run in with the rest of the 'Hellfire gang'.
Thinking about them made his blood boil throughout his body. Jonah was a firm believer that the Hellfire Club were behind all of this. Before his disappearance, his brother Jason had been talking a lot of sense and his theories were clear. Jonah had no reason not to believe his brother. After all, it was Jason who's girlfriend was murdered. Why would he lie?
Out of nowhere, a muffled sound came over the radio. It sounded more like interference than actual words. Jonah had never heard it before. He continued to stray west in the woods.
"Hello?" He spoke into the radio once more. "This is Jonah Carver, does anybody copy?"
A very sudden, deep sounding voice called out. Its as if someone was stood before him, talking directly to him, but he couldn't see. The voice simply called "Jonah....."
"Hello? Who's there?" He questioned, spinning in circles so much to the point he dropped his walkie talkie and didn't even realise. As he stumbled further into the woods, the voice spoke to him once more.
"Jonah, I know how to find your brother." The voice promised. "You want to find your brother, don't you Jonah?"
"Yes. Yes I do." He called out desperately. Disorientated from the eluding darkness and red flashes of light within the sky, Jonah soon found himself at an impass. A part of the barbed wire fence had become so diseased it was crumbed and broken, allowing him passage into the Upside Down. The voice spoke to him more loudly now, guiding him.
"I can help you Jonah." It said. "I can give you everything you want."
As Jonah stumbled through what once was part of Hawkins, he began to hallucinate. The voice was showing him his greatest desires, starting with brother Jason. He walked on as he saw before him, himself and Jason playing basketball in their family court. Next, the vision flickered to Jonah himself, lifted into the air by the rest of the basket ball team. They were champions, and he was captain. Just like his brother before him, he was a winner.
"I can give you exactly what you want." The voice thundered.
Another vision appeared, this time, a graveyard lay before him. As he wandered throughout it, one grave in particular stood out to him. The head stone sat undressed, no flowers or well wishes. As he stepped closer he could finally read the name.

The leader of the Hell Fire Club. The murderer they were all searching for within this madness. In this vision he was finally dead, and Jason was alive and well by Jonahs side.
"I can grant you your most treasured desires." The voice spoke once more, showing him a final vision.
Avila stood before him. She was wearing the most beautiful dress, her hair and make up all made up. She held out her hand to Jonah, smiling widely. She had made such an impression on him, he was eager to see more of her. Maybe this way, he could. Reaching out to take her hand, she suddenly disappeared as he made contact.
"What do I need to do?" Jonah called out. "I want what you showed me, but how do i get it?"
The visions that he was shown remained in the air as pure dust.
"You need to let me in, Jonah." The voice instructed. Quickly, the dust particles circled him wildly, before entering his body through every orifice. His body became lifeless and limp, as the darkness and dust made its way into his ears and mouth. His eyes turned white as he succumbed to the voice in his head. He was no longer in control. Once a soldier, yes. But now Jonah had a new master.

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