Chapter 23: To The Death

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"We all need to stay in contact..." Dustin instructed, making his way around the group continuing to hand out walkie talkies, each to a team. "Constantly. Checking in every step of the way."

"Gotcha." Robin smirked, taking the device from him, only for it to be snatched away by Nancy. It seemed she'd already assumed the position as their group leader. Throwing up her arms and rolling her eyes, both Avila and Robin were already regretting their decision to join her side. 
"If things go south, you all need to check in with me before diverting from the plan." Dustin continued. "No retreating."
"The bus will be left on the outskirts of the diseased part of town." El interrupted. "If things get too dangerous, you all need to go there."
"But we-" 
"No arguments." El shot Mike a stern glare, disapproving of his objections. "I can stop Vecna, I don't want anybody else getting hurt along the way."
Gazing off into the distance, Mike was defeated. No one else dared argue with El and with the unsettling silence, came the end of their final chat as a team. 
"Okay then." Dustin was the first to speak, trying to end the disturbing feeling of dread that was flowing throughout them all in that moment. Thoughts of death. Saying goodbye to one another for what could be the last time. Dustin for one, hated thinking so negatively. So he knew he'd have to put a stop to that. 
"Shall we get this show on the road?" He grinned, strangely, kneeling down to retrieve a few supplies for his backpack. "Don't forget to grab some weapons, you'll all need them if we're planning on bringing Vecna's head back on a stick!" 
Chuckling to himself, Dustin strode off towards the bus, poised and ready to embark on his mission. After a few awkward and confused looks, the others embarked on a journey of their own. Saying their goodbyes. Nancy immediately ran to her brother, embracing him tightly, much to his surprise. Steve unsurprisingly avoided her, instead rushing over to Robin to which she playfully darted away. Giggling together, they continued to joke and play around, acting as though this was hardly the last time they'd see each other. Neither one of them would admit that it could be. 
"Hey, trouble." Steve called over to Avila, releasing her cousin from his grasp as he darted over to her now. "Now, I'm not gonna say goodbye, but I am gonna say... be careful. I know how much trouble you Buckley women can get into." 
"I honestly don't know how I'm gonna survive without you Steve Harrington." She teased, placing her hand upon her forehead, imitating a damsel in distress. "It's a mystery how I even got myself dressed this morning."
Laughing together, Steve wrapped his arms around her tightly, holding her close. 
"You're trouble Avila Buckley, but I'm so glad I met you." He expressed, clenching her strongly as she nuzzled into her wispy hair which fell to one side of her face from her long ponytail. "Just promise me you won't die, okay? Make sure you come home, back to Hawkins where you belong.."
"I wasn't planning on dying today Harrington." She smiled. "Despite what's happened, I do have a lot left to live for."
Trailing off, Avila noticed how he now looked over her shoulder, smirking once again. 
"Oh you do indeed. " He grinned, glancing once again to where she couldn't see. 
"What?" She quizzed him, giggling as he smiled down at her suggestively. "Why are you smiling like that?" 
"Oh nothing." Steve shrugged, glancing back towards where Eddie perched himself,  awaiting his turn to speak to her it seemed. "I'm just a sucker for true love, that's all." 
This phrase, it persistently popped up during conversation with Steve Harrington. And each and every time those words were spoken, they made her smile as they couldn't have been more true. Jaw dropped, Avila simply shook her head as she smiled at Steve. 
"Talk to him." Steve insisted. "After all... this could be the last time you-"
"No." Avila stated, staring at Steve now through the tears in her eyes. The thought of loosing any of her friends simply scared her to death. More so, loosing Eddie. 
"This isn't the last time." She told him, hugging him once more. "I'll see you at home... Steve Harrington." 

Smiling softly at him for the last time, Avila left his side. The others continued to talk and joke, the last of the supplies being loaded onto the bus before it seemed to almost be time to go. Watching on as Robin and Steve wandered side by side towards the large vehicle, Avila's path was disrupted suddenly. 
"Avila." Eddie spoke her name so softly, reaching out to take her by the hand despite her efforts to bypass him. Making contact with one another, Avila couldn't find the right words to say to him. She wanted to be cruel, to dismiss him. But deep down, she couldn't. Standing before one another, there was complete silence besides the racket of their peers around them. Nevertheless, it was as if they were completely alone in that moment. 
"Spear." Eddie spoke suddenly, gesturing to the makeshift one she had attached to her back, ready for battle. "Good choice, good for stabbing... things." 
"Good to know." She answered, remaining stern faced as he made the effort to force a smile atleast. Intensely, she looked around, avoiding eye contact with him as the pair fell silent once again. She stayed put, however, to which Eddie saw this as a triumph as she hadn't stormed off from him. In an effort to distract herself, Avila's gaze was attracted by Nancy and Jonathan who, behind Eddie, appeared to be in the midst of a love-fuelled conversation of their own. Watching them intensely, Avila felt jealous at their seemingly true love. Meanwhile, the boy of her dreams stood before her, cowardly enough that he could barely string a sentence together. 
"I'm not going to say goodbye." Eddie told her, reaching out to take her by the hand again. "But I am going to say sorry-"
As Eddie spoke, Avila was so distracted by the acts unfolding infront of her to comprehend what he was saying. Observing intently, she gasped upon seeing Jonathan fall to one knee before his beloved girlfriend. Perched upon the ground, with a small ring within the clutches of his fingers, he was asking Nancy to marry him. 
"Oh my god!" Avila expressed, interrupting Eddie's heartfelt words almost instantly. Confused by her outburst, he immediately joined the others in watching this moment unfold before them. 

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