Chapter 11: Meet Pamela

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"Robin will you slow down?" Steve pleaded once more, as he trailed after Robin who moved so briskly through the woods that next morning. Briefly stopping to adjust her heavy backpack, he caught up with her.
"I'm sure she's fine." Steve panted heavily, resting his hands upon his knees, taking a moment to regain his breath.
"Oh I hope she is." Robin snapped back at him, striding off once more as the cabin finally came into view. "Because when I get my hands on her I'm gonna kill her and drag her back to the bus she came here on!"
Indeed frightened by this side of Robin, Steve refused to argue anymore and instead sheepishly trailed after her towards the cabin. They both made it there within no time at all and, joining one another on the porch, they came to a sudden halt.
"Carefully now..." Steve placed his hand upon the door ahead of Robin, gesturing to her with one finger placed upon his lips. "We have no idea what state she could be in. We need to be considerate."
"Bullshit!" Robin ignored his ideas and, pushing her way past Steve, barged her way into the quiet cabin. Immediately, Robin and Steve fell quiet as they observed Eddie and Avila. The pair lay sleeping on the nearby couch. They must have fallen asleep naturally, as their positions were comforting, not forced.
Eddie remained upright, his head flung back against the back of the couch, as Avila lay her head across his legs, the remainder of her body curled up along the length of the seat.
"Oh my god." Robin tiptoed quietly into the room, Steve sneaking in behind her.
For a moment, the pair admired the sleeping beauties. Robin in particular observed her cousins outfit, which had somehow changed to that of a Hellfire Club shirt.
"Well atleast they're both safe." Steve whispered. "Plus, they're getting some..."
Before he could finish his sentence, Robin bounded over to the couch playfully. Placing one hand on Eddie's head, and the other upon Avila, Robin vigorously shook their equally long manes of hair.
"Wakey, wakey!" She shouted loudly, causing the pair to jump from their slumber, rising from the couch. "Rise and shine!"
"Jesus Christ!" Eddie called out, holding his chest, breathing quickly. As he did, Steve looked on confused by his attire. "Robin one of these days, you will kill me!"
"Is that my shirt?" Steve butted in randomly, pointing to the blue, satin number Eddie was wearing. The boys exchanged a few cheeky remarks and looks, as Robin's rage turned onto Avila.
"Are you okay?" She approached her delicately, speaking in a very patronising and sarcastic tone. Avila became suspicious Immediately. She was expecting Robin to blow up like a volcano. After all, this was like the 3rd or 4th time she'd snuck off now, and disobeyed her. If the roles were reversed, Avila would be spitting blood.
"I guess." Avila took a step back from her cousin cautiously. "I'm alive."
"Oh good." Robin smiled overly sweetly, stopping directly infront of her. Out of nowhere, she harshly slapped Avila across the face. The slap was cruel and uncalled for. The mere sound of her hand making contact with Avilas skin caused the two boys to snap out of their conversation immediately. Robin placed her hand over her own mouth, in utter shock at her own actions.

"Woah Robin!" Steve interjected, joining the two girls at their side.
Looking to her cousin with tears in her eyes, Avila didn't have the words.
"Shit." Eddie joined them now. "Was that really necessary...."
"Shut up." Robin began to get choked up on her words as she grasped Avila tightly into a long, strong hug.
Steve, Eddie and Avila all remained incredibly confused by Robin's actions. Avila herself didn't know what to do, so instead she just held onto her cousin, as tight as she could.
"I thought you were dead." Robin admitted, eventually letting go. Facing Avila head on, she could see the emotion invading Robin's face. She looked terrified.
"I'm not." She assured Robin. "I'm fine, I'm here it's all okay."
Sniffling, Robin nodded slowly. The two girls shared another tight squeeze as Avila looked over at Eddie.
All of a sudden, the events of last night came flooding back to her. The near miss with the demobat, the song, the dancing.
The, almost kiss.
"I was an idiot." Avila admitted suddenly. "I could have gotten myself killed last night, if it wasn't for Eddie."
Eddie stood sheepishly over by the kitchen now, looking around no doubt for his first meal of the day.
"You need to tell us everything." Robin instructed Avila. "And you can start with your clothes. Why on earth are you wearing a Hellfire Club shirt?"

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