Chapter 6: The Beauty And The Banished

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'Hawkins Town Hall' beneath it in menacingly dark, red letters read
'The Devil Lives Here Happily.'

"Nance?" Mrs Wheeler tapped Nancy softly on the shoulder beside her in the car. Nancy was engrossed by the entrance to the town hall, she found herself daydreaming. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." Nancy flashed her mother the most convincing smile she could. The truth was that she was so nervous. This was her first town meeting. They'd become a twice weekly thing since the murders and more recently, the earthquake. Every Wednesday and Saturday night, the residents of Hawkins had the chance to be heard, make a change. Start a riot, perhaps? From a strategic point of view, Nancy saw the town meetings as a chance to gather information. From what she'd heard from her mother, the military troops give intel and updates on their missions into the Upside Down, Intel that Nancy and the rest of the gang would find most useful in the fight against Vecna.
Therefore, whilst most young people in their early 20s would be out partying or drink driving on an average Saturday night, Nancy found herself at the town Hall. Truly taking one for the team.

Unbeknownst to her, she'd zoned out once more. Her mother grew concerned.
"Perhaps this was a bad idea." She contemplated their choice. "I can drive us back, Mike's at home, you two could watch a movie or something?"
"No!" Nancy blurted out slightly more aggressively than she'd planned, but she had to stop her mother somehow. There was no way she could go home, she needed to do this. For the team.
Smiling sweetly, Nancy took her mother by the hand.
"I want to do this." She batted her eyelids, almost angelically. "It's the mature thing to do. And i know it's for the best to have the right information."
Shooting her daughter a proud smile, Mrs Wheeler scooped Nancy into a tight embrace.
"I'm so happy to hear you say that." She sighed deeply, proudly. "If only your brother had more brains..."
Chuckling, Nancy observed over her mothers shoulder as the parking lot for the town hall filled. She was unsure of the last time she'd seen so many people all in one place. It was empowering, but also frightening.

"Right then." Her mother released Nancy, turning to open the car door to her side. "Let's get this show on the road.
Reluctantly, Nancy stepped out of the car. As she did, she came face to face with people from all walks of life it seemed. There were families, young and old. Military officers. Police. Preachers. She noticed one group of people in particular, holding signs and chanting. One sign caught her eye instantly, it read
'Hellfire Is The Gateway For The Devil!'
"Ignore them." Her mother rolled her eyes out loud, ushering Nancy in the opposite direction of the hecklers, towards the doors to the building. "They were here last week."
Despite moving away from the mob, Nancy couldn't help but observe further. One individual dropped what appeared to be a Hellfire Club shirt into an open canister, before setting it alight.
"I am so glad your brother has grown out of all that club stuff." Mrs Wheeler gloated. "Imagine trying to live a normal life being involved with a murderer or a cult!"
Nancy chuckled along with her mother, nervously. Imagine, exactly.

On the opposite side of town, Avila, Robin and Lucas had almost made their way to the Wheelers. They two watched on as various locals made their way to the town hall. A tall, long bearded man approached them head on, instantly looking to Avilas hands where the Hellfire Club shirt was cradled.
"Here." Robin discreetly took it from her and folded it in the nook of her aviator jacket. "Just to be safe."
As the man passed by, he watched the two girls with much intimidation. Avila looked to her cousin for reassurance. Linking arms, the two continued down the street, Lucas keeping up the pace from behind. Soon they found themselves on a deserted cul-de-sac, in a dead end. It was so quiet and as the sun began to set, the street lamps came to life giving the atmosphere an eery feel.
Looking over her shoulder, Avila had the sudden feeling that she was being watched.
"What's happening at the Wheelers anyway?" She asked Robin, continuing to follow her cousins path.
"Well seeing as the town wanna hold their own meeting about everything going on.." She explained. "We thought, why not have our own too? And tonight's is gonna be a special one."
"And why is that?"
"It's your first...." Lucas interrupted. "Prepare to have your mind blown."
Giving him an unconvinced glare, Avila asked "More than it was earlier?"
Lucas chuckled. "Okay.." He said. "Prepare to have your mind blown... again!"
The trio giggled as they continued to dordle down the street. All of a sudden Avila was pushed off to the side by Robin, as they made their way down the driveway to a large house.
From first impressions alone, Avila was impressed. It was your typical 'posh' house in her opinion. Neatly cut lawn, with timed sprinklers. Huge garage that could double up as a secret hideout for clubs.... or meetings?

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