Chapter 25: Mr Lewis

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Another, sudden, sharp hit came thumping against the door as Steve and Eddie continued to hold it shut.
"On the count of 3." Steve instructed him, panting heavily as he pressed his shoulder up against the wooden frame. Meeting Eddie's eye, he looked at him, pure fear within his own. "You sure you wanna do this?"
"If it helps the others to get a head start..." Eddie said, looking over his shoulder towards the tunnel from which Dustin, Mike and Lucas had escaped through mere moments before. "I've never been more sure."
A gentle nod between the boys was exchanged, the pair of them returning their gaze to the matter at hand. The door they were holding barely held itself together anymore. It was time for the next phase of their plan.
"3.....2...." Steve began to count down, slowly moving away from the door as Eddie followed, the pair leaving their hands pressed firmly up against it. "1!"
Upon the final call of the number, both Steve and Eddie released the door. Quickly it flew open and the fully grown Demogorgan came crashing into the basement to join them. Backing off down the stairs swiftly, Eddie and Steve split up. Heading straight for the tunnel opening, Steve rushed to cover it, blocking any and all means of escape for the creature. At first, the beast took a liking to Steve's behaviours.
"Hey!" Eddie called out to it, pulling a long sword from his side belt, presenting his weapon to the creature. "Forget about me?"
Instantly, the tall being began to lunge towards Eddie, thrusting out its slimy, lengthy arms to take a swipe at him. With every swing of its limbs, Eddie countered it with a brisk swipe of his sword, narrowly missing the creature with each whip. Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie watched as Steve continued to block up the exit. For a mere second, he himself had become distracted whilst attempting to keep the monster busy.
A brisk hit of it's sharp claws sent the sword flying out of Eddie's grasp, tumbling to the floor beside his feet.
"Shit." Eddie cursed, attempting to retrieve his weapon, to which the monster pounced towards him once again. "Uh- Steve..."
Out of nowhere, the Demogorgan lashed out at Eddie, tearing his shirt and subsequently the skin upon his chest as she slashed him. Crying out in pain, Eddie collapsed to his knees, continuing to shuffle backwards away from the creature.
"STEVE!" Eddie cried out, retreating as far as he could before he found himself pressed up against the cold, brick wall. Looking as the sword remained on the floor behind the monster, Eddie grasped at his injuries. Immediately feeling the damp, pain he could tell he was bleeding. Staring up at the monster approaching him slowly, hunting him. Eddie feared he was going to die.
He was finally......going to die.

Within arms reach, the Demogorgan took a final swipe down towards where Eddie sat, crumpled, holding onto his wounded self. A sudden, screeching cry was the last thing he heard as he shut his eyes quickly, awaiting the inevitable. Using all of his force, Steve leapt towards the beast, wielding Eddie's sword within both his hands before plunging it fiercely through the chest of the demon. Forcing it down, the Demogorgan fell to the ground, killed instantly. Gasping for breath, upon seeing it's lifeless body before him Eddie began to panic. Crying out in pain, he held his abdomen, dearly, spots of blood appearing on his hands and arm.
"Hey, hey, it's ok!" Steve reassured him, jumping to his aid, trying to examine his injuries. "I killed it! It's ok, we're safe.."
"Steve." Eddie sobbed, looking anxiously to his friend who attempted to bind his wounds using his long neckerchief. "Steve, I'm gonna die."
"You are not going to die!" Steve told him sternly, wrapping the material around and over the wound, binding it neatly. It seemed Steve had learnt a lot about first aid from Nancy and Robin over the past few months.
Taking another final look at the wound itself, Steve could tell it wasn't fatal in anyway, Eddie was in such a state, he knew nothing more than to panic.
"I need you to do something for me." Eddie panted slowly, sweating as he grasped at his friends' hand. "I need you to tell Avila..."
"Tell her yourself." Steve teased, smiling down at his friend as he took hold of his arm firmly. "Because you're not dying today my friend. I can promise you that."
Pulling steadily, it quickly became clear that Eddie needed time to rest before they departed this place. His wounds, despite being small and superficial had affected Eddie in more ways than one. Mentally, he was scarred.
"Okay, Okay." Steve reassured him, crouching down at Eddie's side, observing how he was shaking whilst his head lay within his hands.
For a moment, the two boys just sat together in silence. All that could be heard was Eddie's quick breathing, the longer time went on, the slower it became as he calmed down.
"You okay man?" Steve asked him, placing a kind and gentle hand upon his shoulder.
Lifting his head up to face Steve, Eddie remained quiet, forcing a deceitful nod that Steve dismissed straight away. He knew his friend was lying.
"At least we gave the others a head start, right?" Steve joked, going over to collect their walkie talkie before returning to his seat beside Eddie. Pressing a few buttons, Steve attempted to make contact with any of his friends. To hear any of their voices would be much appreciated right now.
"This is Steve and Eddie." He spoke softly into the device. "Does anybody copy? Is anybody there?"
A few moments passed by, and nothing was heard from either team.
Sighing deeply, Steve placed the walkie talkie down, giving up for the meantime.
"The signal here is ridiculously crap." Steve forced out a laugh, trying to distract Eddie's thoughts from the obvious. Unfortunately, it didn't work.
"Who are you trying to fool, Steve?" Eddie shook his head. "They're probably not answering because a demogorgan got to them too. They're probably-"
"No, nope!" Steve interrupted him, waving his arms around infront of his face. "I know you're not about to say the D word Eddie Munson. Because we don't say that word around here, our friends are strong, tough... they're all absolutely fine."
Patting Eddie playfully upon the shoulder, Steve added "Just like we are."
Showing him a small smile, Eddie finally seemed to be calming down. Finally letting go of his wounds, he attempted to stand. Helping him up gradually, Steve wrapped his arms beneath him, pulling his friend up beside him.
"Look at us Harrington." Eddie smirked, standing upright beside his friend. "We've come a long way, you and I."
"Oh, from the first time we spoke, you mean?" Steve teased. "When you tried to slice my throat open with a bottle?"
"Exactly." Eddie laughed. "Look at us now. Fighting monsters and demons... you just saved my life-"
"Don't get soppy Munson." Steve flattered himself, still persisting to aid Eddie in standing. The two boys looked over now to where the entrance to the tunnels lay blocked and inaccessible.
"Ah." Steve realised upon seeing it. "Should probably move all that stuff so we can get out first."
Returning to sit upon the floor, Eddie found himself in charge of the walkie talkie, watching on as Steve quickly removed the various items and pieces of furniture from the entrance to the tunnel, not exactly being delicate with the belongings of Henry Creel and his deceased family. Throwing various things over his shoulder, it didn't take him long at all to create a way through for him and Eddie. Noticing how his friend had become distracted once again by the walkie talkie, Steve saw this as his opportunity to pry.
"What were you going to say?" Steve asked him suddenly, much to Eddie's initial confusion. "To Avila I mean, you wanted me to tell her something..."
"Oh, ummm." Eddie hesitated, looking to the floor as he blushed. "It's nothing major. I'm not really sure if I want to-"
"You love her." Steve butted in, putting an instant stop to his nervous rambling. "You need to tell her Eddie."
"I never said that-"
"You didn't have to." Steve laughed, returning to his friend before lifting him up to stand once again. "And I'm just saying... you need to tell her."
Walking side by side, Steve's arm positioned beneath Eddie to steady him, the boys made their initial escape into the darkness. Before Eddie could even argue back, the welcomed sound of the radio within his hand disrupted their conversation. Muffled voices could be heard, like someone was trying to reach them. Somebody had heard their cries for help.

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