Chapter 2: The Princess

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"Dragon's Lair? Seriously."
This is the 3rd time now Mike had questioned Dustin on his description of Hawkins' newest addition, Avila.

"Absolutely!" Dustin insisted. "She looks just like princess Daphne. Only real and made of flesh with a hell of an attitude to match."
"And you're telling us she's Robin's cousin?" Lucas chimed in, pacing throughout Mike's basement. Will seated himself quietly at the table to the side of them, still working on his model of New Hawkins, Upside Down edition. "I don't believe it!"
"Well you'll believe it when you see it!" Dustin declared. "Tonight!"
Bumbling over the nearby couch, Dustin scrambled to grab hold of the walkie talkie. Pressing a couple of buttons he bellowed down the speaker "Red Bird, Red Bird, are you there?"

Unbeknownst to 'Red Bird' aka Robin, Dustin continued to try and get her attention over the radio. Shoving the radio in a nearby drawer, Robin returned to her cousins bedside, packet of frozen peas in hand. With one swoop, she placed them upon Avila's bruised abdomen.
"Son of a bitch! Robin that's cold!" Avila cried out.
"Good! It's working then." Robin scolded her harshly. Avila attempted to wriggle her way out of the bunk bed, but Robin had other ideas.
"You need to stay put!" She demanded, pushing her back onto the mattress by the bag of peas that had become part of her. "Rest!"
"Ill rest when I'm dead." Avila sniggered. "Besides, I wanna come and explore Hawkins with you and Steve."

Robin scoffed as she leapt up from the bed and began to retrieve her shoes from a nearby wardrobe. She'd never had to share a bedroom before, so this was a new experience for her. She liked the company, after everything that had happened, it was comforting to have someone there.
"There is no way you're coming out tonight!" Robin informed her, wagging her finger to Avila, telling her off. "After putting your foot in your mouth with Dustin earlier you'll be lucky to hang out with us any time soon."
Of course Robin was referring to Avila asking Dustin if she could join the Hell Fire Club earlier on that day. That famous cult who's leader is presumed dead and is being slaughtered in almost every national paper in Indiana. Yeah, that club.
"Oh come on, how was I meant to know what had happened to that guy!" Avila pleaded. She retrieved the WANTED poster from her pocket once again, waving it in Robin's face. "The guys a murderer right? It interested me. I thought Dustin might know more..."
"Well he doesn't!" Robin snapped, snatching the flyer from Avila's hand, rolling it into a ball before tossing it in the bin. Goal.
"Bullseye." Steve interrupted, lingering in the doorway of the girls' shared room. "Are you ready Robin?"
Steve was wearing combat gear, a baggy leather jacket with matching boots, carrying a baseball bat on his back that seemingly had nails jabbed into it.
"She won't let me come with you Harrington." Avila whined. She attempted to sit up but suddenly winced from the very obvious pain of her bruises. She needed the rest more than she thought.
"Woah, crazy girl." Steve approached her with both hands raised, gently lowering her back into bed. "You stay right where you are okay? You can come another night."
Avila stared at Steve longingly, dropping her bottom lip like a lonely puppy. It would have worked on Steve, if it wasn't for Robin. Taking him by the collar, she dragged him towards the door. Collecting their two empty rucksacks, they headed out of the door.
"Hey!" Avila called after her cousin. As Robin turned to look to her, she added "Stay safe."
A half hearted smile from Robin, and a cheeky wave from Steve, they were gone into the night.

What better time than none for Avila to completely unpack her single suitcase, seeing as she had no plans on heading home any time soon. The bruises on her stomach could vouch for that. Setting her case upon the nightstand, she opened it up. She'd made a hasty exit from home so only really packed the essentials. Clothes, makeup, a little jewelry. She was over the moon to find her Wham cassette that she was almost certain she'd accidently left behind. Oh, and her childhood Teddy. Mr Flop. The floppy ears were self explanatory.

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