Chapter 15: A Plan Within A Plan

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"Jesus-Christ Harrington!" Eddie scolded him, jumping out of his skin as he entered the bathroom to find none other than Steve, sat there anxiously awaiting his arrival. "Do you guys get a kick out of scaring people, or am I just lucky?"

"Just you man!" Excitedly, Steve leapt up from his seat, watching Eddie eagerly as he washed his hands. "So.... how did the talk go?"
Visibly in a mood, Eddie wiped his hands sternly on a nearby towel, turning to look at his friend with sheer disappointment in his eyes.
"The talk began, got off to a slow start, I handed her the shirt.... she said we were friends..."
"And?!" Steve interrupted him, confused as to why Eddie was sulking. "What did you say?"
"I agreed with her, Steve." Eddie revealed, diverting to leave the room very suddenly. Unfortunately for Eddie, Steve wasn't prepared to forget and move on, he wanted answers.
"Wait a minute, Eddie seriously!" Steve grabbed him strongly by the arm, bringing him to a halt. "But my advice, I thought-"
"Well you thought wrong, Harrington!" Eddie tried so very hard to play it cool, faking a large smile as he went about his usual business. A sudden increase in room noise alerted the two boys to the presence of others. In particular, Nancy and the boys.
"So, that's it." Steve looked to Eddie, confused. "That door is closed and you just stay friends?"
"Yep." Eddie nodded. "Your advice was great and all but I actually think I know now, exactly how I feel."
Waiting in suspense, Steve asked "And that is?"
"Me and her, are friends. Nothing more." Eddie stated. "A happy ending just isn't on the cards for someone like me."
"Why the hell not?!" Unknowingly, this secret conversation of theirs had attracted the attention of Dustin, who struggled to remain quiet and hidden any longer. Bursting into the room, Dustin received a glare from Steve instantly.
"How long have you been standing there Dustin?"
"Long enough to know that you're talking complete shit Eddie!" Dustin cursed loudly. The older boys scolded him simultaneously for his use of foul language. Dustin may have looked innocent, but he was far from it.
"You're wrong." Dustin informed Eddie.
"Yeah, well my mind is made up." Eddie stormed off from the two of them, making his way over to the kitchen area once again where he stumbled into Nancy Wheeler.
"Made up about what?" She quizzed him, Eddie fell suspiciously quiet as Steve and Dustin rushed over to join his side. "More secrets right?"
"It's Eddie and Avila." Dustin divulged stupidly. "There's clearly chemistry there but he's so blind-sighted by everything else happening in the world he can't see it."

Receiving a playful punch from both Steve and Eddie, Dustin retreated to the living room, where the others appeared to be having a 'lecture' from Hopper. Disregarding the increasing look of bewilderment upon Nancy's face, Eddie began looking for food. A bowl, cereal, milk. Combining the three, he failed to understand why Nancy and Steve remained interested in his personal life.
Taking a large mouthful of food, he looked at her.
"Spit it out." He mumbled. "No doubt Nancy Wheeler has an opinion on this.."
"Not that she deserves one buddy." Leaving Nancy's side, Steve strode over to join Eddie. The two friends stood side by side, judging Nancy. "After all, she is a snitch."
"Really Steve? You're gonna be immature about this now." She scoffed. "Things have gotten a lot more dangerous and we could all die at any moment, so forgive me for trying to have all of our best interests at heart!"
Shrugging off her attempt at justification, Steve refused to make eye contact with her. Instead, Nancy turned her attention onto Eddie and the revelation she had just been swept up in.
"And this whole you and Avila thing?" She questioned him. "That is such a bad idea..."
Eddie didn't have the strength or extensive vocabulary to argue with her, but Steve couldn't sit back and watch her dictate to his friend.
"Doesn't he deserve happiness?" Steve asked. "I really thought that you, Nancy Wheeler, of all people would be an advocate for people being happy, after everything we've been through..."
"But that's it exactly Steve. Look at what we're going through right now!" She bellowed. Looking around the room, she scanned those in her immediate vicinity. Confirming that no one was listening in, she simply put forward "Have you forgotten about Operation Kill-switch?"

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