63. behind the mask

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Song of the chapter is
Alpha by Little Destroyer

-Zoya Afreen-

-63--Zoya Afreen--Present-

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St. Maud Theatre
22 December, 2030
12:15 am

'Did you miss me?'

Her voice was just as before, her face not so much and yet, it still had the capacity to send shivers down our spines. Collective gasps echoed through the room. I took two steps back as the sudden reality of it all struck me.

"Th-at's.... that's not possible." Came Saina's whisper.

'Oh I've missed you!' Alishka chirped on the screen like a happy Victorian child.

"No...no..no this can't be happening!" Kartik shrieked, his voice quivering. "You can't be the killer!"

'Why not, brother?'

"Because you're fucking dead!" He yelled. A laughter ricocheted off of Alishka's lips.

'Do I look dead to you?'

"How are you still alive?!" Saina shouted, her tone laced with fear. "We cremated you! We went to your funeral. This can't be possible!"

She laughed even harder in response.

'It's immortality, my darling!'

A silence prevailed after. My heart was hammering against my chest at the complete absurdity of it all. How could she possibly be alive? How was that even possible?

'You guys didn't even miss me a little?' She asked next, her tone feigning hurt. 'If I had a heart, it would be breaking right now.'

"Quit your nonsense!" Kartik yelled again, his voice loud and angry. "We're not kids anymore-"

"And we're not afraid of you." I spoke, my voice quivering slightly as I tried to sound confident. "So you can wrap up whatever shit you have planned! And let them go."

'Aw Zizi! Come on now, since when did you become such a spoilsport?' She asked, chuckling at me. 'I'm just a girl who's trying to have a little fun!'

"Fuck you! We're not playing your game anymore." Siya screamed. "All of this is because of you! You were the one who doomed us from the very beginning! You're a monster!"

'Blah blah blah.' She rolled her eyes comically. 'I have heard this course before. Tell me something I don't know!'

"What are you planning to do with them?" Himanshu asked, his voice calm and composed as he glared at her through the screen.

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