13. a night we'll never forget

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Song of the chapter is Exile by Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver

-Himanshu Arora-

-13--Himanshu Arora--Present-

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Delmore High
14 November, 2030
6:45 pm

The glimmering glitter-like lights suspended from the ceiling and the soft midnight blue foil curtains made the once rusty looking school gym look like a scene straight out of a movie.

Holy shit would be an understatement.

They had really outdone themselves. The school, which had once been the most insufferable place for kids like me, was now a dreamland. The flute of musicians playing soft jazz on the side only added to the whole 'Great Gatsby' vibe.

Clouds of alumnus marched in with their respective dates for the night, wearing their best. There were several faces that I recognised, many others however had become far too sophisticated for me to decipher.

As my gaze scanned the premise, I felt a tug on my arm. I turned to look at the woman standing beside me.

"Is the air conditioning even working? I feel like I'll burst out in flames."

Exaggeration was one of Dhrashti's many skills. Unfortunately, tonight, I was in no mood to entertain her.

"Babe, there are many people. It's possible the air conditioning is overloading."

She rolled her eyes with irritation. "It's 2030 for fuck sake. They could've atleast managed to get air-coolers for such an event."

"Well, I told you to stay home, didn't I? I already warned you that this was not gonna be your kinda party." I uttered as politely as I could.

"What do you mean 'my kinda party'?" She arched a brow.

"You know....fancy-"

"You mean, classy."

No, I don't. Pardon me if I don't think a party with rich middle aged men drinking wine and talking shit about their wives and politics can be termed as 'classy'.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Well, I'm sorry that I wanted to be a part of your jolly time." She whined. "I thought that's what you did when you are about to spend the rest of your life with someone."

I simply sighed. I did not want to deal with this now.

"Well Dhrashti, I'm trying to have a good time. So please if you would stop complaining, that'd be great." I uttered, rather bitterly. "It's not everyday I get to attend a school reunion."

"Himanshu, you know I can't stay in enclosed spaces that don't have good air conditioning. It gives me rashes." She whined some more.

I mentally uttered several curses.

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