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Fitz's bottom lip quivered, betraying his nervousness. "Um, just to," He paused timidly, glancing around him. "Talk to you? In private." He said hurriedly, glancing at Sophie. And noting the ice-cold expression firmly plastered on her face, he trembled.

Sophie eyed him disdainfully, turning her nose up at him. "Why should I?" He flinched away from her like a kicked dog. "Because I'm on your side!" He blurted out. Sophie rolled her eyes. "Sure you are." He stuttered, lost for words. "Soph— please, I'm sorry—"

She gave him a once-over, eyes flicking over him. "Why?" She arched a brow, "Why are you sorry?" His adam's apple bobbed, bright-teal eyes flashing in the light. "B-Because the Neverseen tricked you!" Fitz stuttered, eyes darting. "They're not the good side Sophie, we are." No, they are the good side. Remember what Trix said. Sophie thought, thoughts flurrying in her head. This would be a good way to gather information, she mused. His words hung in the air, his breathing uneven. She sighed, relenting. "Fine."

He broke into a smile, a relieved look on his face. "It's not going to be civil," She warned him, hating the hopeful gleam in his eyes. Hating him and what'd he'd done to her. What he'd done to her friends. "That's fine," Fitz chuckled nervously, offering his arm to Sophie. She pointedly ignored it, striding toward a weathered oak-like tree about 3 feet away from her friends. "So," Sophie stated, crossing her arms. "What'd you want to say?" Fitz glanced around nervously, whispering, "Um, maybe a bit further?" Seeing the icy look on her face, he clarified; "Um, from them." Sophie planted her feet and shook her head. "Nope. It's either now or never."

"Soph," Fitz tried.

"Never call me that again." Sophie cut him off, glaring at him. "Now, what did you want to say?"
Fitz slumped, defeated. He opened his mouth and said, "I know you're with the Neverseen." Sophie blinked at him, dumbfounded. Fitz forged on, "I know that you're part of the Neverseen, and I am too." He smiled hopefully at her. "Double agents, together?" Sophie laughed. His smile fell flat, his face taking on a crestfallen expression. But that doesn't make sense. Trix said the Neverseen weren't working with Fitz...

"I," Sophie said, pointing to her chest, "Am not a double agent." She smiled at him, a slash of white. "But you are." But for a completely different organization? She wondered, running all of the information she had through her mind. Fitz blanched, eyes widening. Panicked, he said, "Soph, please— don't, they're my friends too!" She smiled at him coldly, "They were your friends." She patted him on the shoulder, pouting. "Until you betrayed them." Striding out from the shade of oak-like tree they were under, Sophie called out, "Guys," She smirked. "I think Fitz has something to tell us. Don't you?" She added, tone sugary-sweet. She batted her lashes at him, smiling patronizingly.

She rejoined her friends where they'd stood during her conversation with Fitz, ignoring the questioning looks thrown her way. "...What does he have to tell us?" Biana asked questioningly, arching a perfect brow. "I think he'd like to tell you himself," Sophie emphasized, the toothpaste smile on her face beginning to ache. As she held her smile, she watched as he trudged over, head hung in defeat. She bit back a laugh, resisting the urge to smack him. Idiot.

He made it too easy; with his emotions on full display. She smirked to herself, satisfied with her revenge. She watched as her friends eyed her and Fitz skeptically as Fitz blurted, "Sophie's a double agent for the Neverseen." Sophie gaped at him, mouth parted in surprise. What?! She was a double agent? He was the double agent—for some unknown agency.

She scoffed, "Sure, I am." She rolled her eyes for extra effect, crossing her arms. Okay, maybe he was partly right. I'm not with the Black Swan anymore, she thought bitterly. "Guys, it's true—I swear." Fitz pleaded desperately, looking between them. "She's the traitor, not me!" Sophie snorted, "Sure, Fitz. They'll believe you." She raised an eyebrow archly. "The traitor." He stared at her, slack-jawed. "I am not a traitor," Fitz retorted, looking around confidently, "She is!"

"Mhm, of course." Sophie said drily, backing toward Biana and Tam. "I'm definitely the traitor here." Biana caught her arm, threading their fingers together. "Come on, Fitz. Nobody's going to believe you." Biana said, eyeing her brother with as much love Sophie held for Oralie. "Biana," Fitz appealed to her, "You're my sister. We're blood." She looked him dead in the eye. "Believe me, I know we're blood. Stop reminding me." Fitz turned to Tam, a pleading look in his bright-teal eyes that Sophie had once loved. "Tam?" His voice cracked as Tam turned away from him, silver-tipped bangs glinting in the sun. "Keefe?" He reached out desperately, one more time. "Keefe... please." Fitz shivered as the wind bit through his thin jerkin. "You're my oldest friend, you're like a brother to me." Keefe shook his head in disappointment. "Not anymore, Fitz." His eyes glistened in the light, pain showing clearly in their ice-blue depths. "You're a traitor, and..." Keefe gestured around helplessly. "You hurt Sophie, you've hurt so many people."

"I didn't mean to," Fitz tried, desperation cutting through his voice. "Believe me, he made me do it." Sophie tilted her head, "Who?" She asked, eyes flitting over Fitz's terrified face. "I can't tell you." Fitz whispered, trembling. His eyes darted around the grassy clearing, Candleshade standing proudly. "Fitz..." Sophie whispered, inching closer to him cautiously. "Who made you do what?" His neck gleamed with sweat as he fidgeted with the collar of his jerkin. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you." Fitz choked out, eyes bright with terror. He looked like a cornered animal. "Foster..." Keefe said softly from behind her. "He's in shock." Sophie turned around to face him, "What? How can you tell?" Keefe raised his eyebrows at her, waiting for her to process what she'd just said. "Oh— right. You're an Empath." She said sheepishly, mentally facepalming. She turned back to Fitz, desperate to figure out who—and what he was talking about.

"Fitz, what is going on?" She asked gently, moving closer and closer to him. "I already told you, I can't tell you!" Fitz yelled, agitated. 

She reached out for him, "Fitz, it's okay. Take a deep breath—" The terror written on his face stopped her in her tracks.

"No," Fitz whispered, raising a crystal to the light and leaping away.

( um ,  wow. i updated this over a month ago — oops ? i've been busy with stuff ,  like high school applications and schoolwork. sorry for the long wait ,  remember to vote ++ comment loves ! <3 )

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