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Lady Gisela's lips curved into a malicious smirk.

"He has been for a while."

Sophie gaped at her, "What?"

Ruy rolled his eyes—or at least Sophie thought he rolled his eyes, his hood was still up. "The better question here is 'how long.'" He snorted, "I thought you were supposed to be clever."

Sophie's face burned, embarrassment flooding her emotions.

"She clearly isn't, Ruy." Lady Gisela purred. She pursed her ruby-red lips at him and said, "Now, stop telling her everything. Aren't you loyal to me?" Ruy snorted, "I couldn't use my ability for months because you left me." He pulled off the black gloves he was wearing and Sophie gasped.

His hands were scarred with inky black threads, weaving around his fingers, and stopping abruptly at the wrist.

"Look at what your little Shade did to me," He snarled at Sophie. He turned to Gisela, "And you. You dumped me in the woods like I was a sack of curdleroots. The only reason I survived was because of Alvar." His voice cracked, "He found me and took me to Candleshade with him."

Sophie stilled. Ruy had been there as well? Was that why Alvar had crawled out so willing to give himself up? She closed her eyes, theories swirling in her head.

If Ruy had been with Alvar, then maybe he could be turned. If he was that bitter about Gisela's desertion... and if Fintan asked, maybe.

Lady Gisela rolled her eyes, "Ruy, stop. We came to take Sophie, and that's what we're going to do." With that, she grabbed Sophie's wrists, lashing them together. She stuffed a black cloth in her mouth, effectively gagging her. "Ruy, knock her out."

Ruy bent down to her height and whispered softly, "I'm sorry."

Everything went black.

The world was fuzzy at the edges.

Sweetness coated her tongue.

Her skin shone with a sheen of sweat, eyes wide and darting. "W-where am I?" She stuttered.

"Well, it's simple, really."

The voice that haunted her nightmares echoed through her cell.



He had a smug smirk on his face. He cocked his head and mockingly said, "The little Moonlark's scared!" He snorted, "You're in one of our many hidden hideouts." Sophie gaped at him, the cloth gone from her mouth. "But, Fintan..."

Gethen sneered at her, "He told you the location of every single hideout?" Sophie nodded mutely, "Yes." She whispered, remembering how Fintan had explained the distinctive markings of the hideouts.

He cocked a grin, "Correction. He told you about every hideout he knew about." Sophie's eyes widened and shock ran through her.

"Y-you didn't- Fíntan didn't know about every single hideout?" Sophie stuttered, trying to keep her composure. Thoughts ran through her brain, each becoming increasingly frantic.

Gethen rolled his eyes, "Of course not. That would compromise security, Miss Foster." Sophie mentally kicked herself, of course the Neverseen would have secret hideouts that even one of the leaders didn't know about. She glared at him, "Where's Keefe?" She asked, the worry clear in her voice. Gethen cocked a grin, smug and gloating. "He's with us. He's Neverseen." Sophie gasped softly.

No. It wasn't possible. Keefe hated the Neverseen, his mother. He would never... With a sickened jolt, she realized he would. 'He would do anything to keep you safe.'

Lady Gisela's words flashed through her head.

He'll be your greatest weakness.

A tear slipped down her cheek. "No..." Sophie breathed.

"Yes." Gethen sneered, sparks lighting in his eyes. "Now, you can see him before we give him back." Sophie blinked at him, confused. "Give him back?" Gethen rolled his eyes, "You really are clueless, aren't you?" Sophie flushed with embarrassment, remembering all the times Biana had said the same. Gethen sighed, "It's a trade? You for him. Or that's what your notes have been saying for the past three months."

Sophie flinched. It'd been three months? Keefe had been gone for three months.

Another stubborn tear slid down her face silently, as Gethen called, "Come in."

Sophie jolted upright, eyes widening.

A figure in a black Neverseen cloak strode into the room, full of purpose. Sophie winced at the white-eye emblem.


His voice was tentative, unbelieving.

Sophie almost burst into tears at the sound of it.

"Keefe?" She breathed, fresh tears welling in her eyes. "Is it really you?" Her voice cracked, and unbidden, tears slid down her cheeks. He threw his hood back and ran to her, kneeling in front of her. Their faces were level, and she was so close to him. Inches apart.

He cradled her face in his hands, "What are you doing here?" He asked her breathlessly, eyes lighting up. Tears were welling in his eyes, she could see them. One slid down his cheek, and she wanted to wipe it away.

"I-" Sophie started, about to explain herself to Keefe.

"She made a deal with us," Gethen drawled, smug-faced.

Keefe froze, panic icing over his eyes. "You did what?" Sophie frowned, "I offered myself for you." Keefe's ice-blue eyes widened. "You did what?" Sophie looked at him, confused.

"I traded myself for you. You go free, I stay here." She said slowly, trying to make Keefe comprehend what she was saying. Keefe paled, "I like it here, Foster." His icy eyes shimmered with worry, and his face was twisted.

His hand was creeping up her cheek, wrist against her jaw. "You... like it here?" Sophie whispered to him, looking at Gethen who was clearly eavesdropping. "Yeah."

Three skipped beats.

A lie.

"No, you don't." She breathed against his lips. Keefe's eyes turned frantic, and he whispered against her lips, "I do. And I'm going back to the Black Swan as a double agent." Sophie blinked at him, "Wha-"

He cut her off, pressing his lips to hers. She closed her eyes, kissing him harder. He wrenched away, and his eyes were glittering with anger—not at her, at the Neverseen.

"I'm leaving on my mission now," Keefe growled, stomping out of the bleak room.

Sophie looked after him, her jaw agape. Double agent? For the Neverseen?! She had to warn the Black Swan.

Gethen smirked at her, "Now, the real interrogation begins."

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