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"How ya feelin, Foster?"

Tears pricked at Sophie's eyes, threatening to well over.

"Keefe?" She breathed, disbelief blooming in her eyes. "Aren't you with the—" Keefe darted over, placing his finger on her lips. "Hush, now."

Sophie grabbed his hand and opened her mouth to speak in a near-whisper. "—Neverseen?"

Keefe's face shuttered, eyes sad. "No. I was with them for you. They said they'd kill you if I didn't comply with them." Sophie searched his face, noting the worry in his eyes. She moved her hand to cup his cheek, wincing at the pain that surged through her arm.

"But- Gethen, he said something about an assignment..." Sophie trailed off. Keefe smiled softly at her, placing his hand over hers. "He did. I told them I would be a double agent. I was supposed to get out of there and get back to you."

Sophie flushed, embarrassed. "So, I could've stayed here? And you'd still be with us?" Keefe nodded. "That's why I was so surprised to see you there," He paused, huffing out a breath. "But of course, Lady Fos-Boss had to take some credit." He brightened, "Hey! What happened when I was gone? Any Fitzy drama? Something with Bangs Boy? Ooooh, what about our little Dexie-wexie and Stinker?"

Sophie laughed, then immediately regretted it. Her ribs hurt. So much.

Then she realized that Keefe had asked about Fitz.

Did he not know about Fitz's defection to the Neverseen? Did he not know about how Fitz stole him away in the night, and how Fitz had...

She shook her head, clearing the thoughts away. Moments later, she winced. Ow. Gethen really knew how to inflict some damage,

"Keefe," Sophie started gently, gazing into his ice-blue eyes. "Fitz is with the Neverseen."

Emotions flashed across Keefe's face.

Sadness, shock, anger, betrayal, disbelief, and confusion.

He settled on anger.

"What?" Keefe whispered, his voice breaking. "He... joined the Neverseen?"

Sophie nodded shakily. "You didn't know?" She whispered, heart splintering into pieces for the boy in front of her. Keefe nodded numbly, "No. I didn't." He said coldly, eyes shuttering.

Sophie leaned into him, brushing her lips over his. "I'm sorry," She breathed. "I thought you knew." Keefe rested their foreheads together, smiling sadly at her. "Don't blame yourself, Foster," He gazed at her, ice-blue eyes crushing. "It's not your fault. It's his."

Sophie's bottom lip quivered. "But... it's my fault," She paused, drawing a breath. "He joined because of me." Keefe smirked at her, some of his old personality shining through. "No offense, Foster, but I don't think his entire life revolved around you. You aren't the most important thing to Fitz."

It kind of stung when he said it like that. But she saw his point.

"Yeah, I know. But what if I was still part of it?..." Sophie mumbled, looking down.

"It's not your fault, okay? It was Fitz who joined the Neverseen, not you! And it's not like you held a melder to his head," Keefe paused, scanning Sophie's face skeptically. "Unless you did...?"

Sophie burst into giggles, "Nope. And you know I hate melders, Keefe!" Keefe smirked at her, brushing his lips against her forehead. "Yeah, but it's Fitz." He emphasized, widening his eyes comically.

Sophie rolled her eyes affectionately, and moved closer to him. She cupped his cheek, and moved closer, and closer. Just as she was about to kiss him, someone cleared their throat distinctively.

They bolted apart, flushing red.

Grady stood in the doorway, eyebrows raised, and face stormy. "What's going on in here?" He asked in an annoyed tone. "Are you getting handsy with my daughter, Mr. Sencen?" Keefe blushed bright red.

"Um, I—" Keefe started, flustered.

Sophie rolled her eyes, "I started it." Grady spun on his heel, turning to her. "Young lady—" He started, an amused look on his face.

Edaline popped into the doorway, smiling widely. "They're just kids, Grady! Let's leave them alone, okay?" Grady grudgingly nodded, eyeing Keefe suspiciously before backing out of the doorway.

As soon as they were gone, Sophie threw out her mental energy, wrapping it around her door. She slammed it shut, and huffed a breath. "Why me?" She whined, burying her head in her hands. "That was so embarrassing!" She cried, face burning.

Keefe's snicker was muffled, but she still heard it.

"It's not funny!" Sophie whined, face still buried in her hands.

Keefe scooted away from her on the bed, moving further away from her. He patted the bed, "C'mon, head up, Foster!" Sophie slowly raised her head, splaying her fingers so she could see through them.

Keefe was sitting cross-legged on her pale bedspread, looking utterly relaxed on her canopy bed.

She was drawn to his face, and then to his lips.

Oh, his lips...

They were a beautiful pink, soft and succulent. Perfect for kissing...

"Foster? You gonna just stare at my lips, or are you coming over here?" Keefe snarked, patting the bed for emphasis.

Sophie groaned, removing her hands from her face, revealing her beet-red cheeks.

"I was not ogling your lips, Keefe." Sophie grumbled, as she scooted over to Keefe.

Keefe smirked at her knowingly, "Sure you weren't."

Sophie rolled her eyes affectionately and pecked him on the lips. "I'm going to hail Biana. I can't stand your company." She dramatically flipped her hair, smirking at him.

Keefe raised his eyebrows, "If you can't stand my company, you clearly have horrible taste, Foster. I'll have you know that everyone loves The Hair!"

Sophie's eyes widened, "Wait! Don't leave! I meant that we could hang out with Biana and brainstorm ways to take down the Neverseen again."

Keefe nodded thoughtfully, "Not a bad idea, actually. We should start by talking to Fintan."

Sophie dipped her chin, "Yeah. Now, let me hail Biana."

Sophie pulled out the silver square, and hailed Biana, waiting for her to pick up.

"Soph?" Biana asked, a perfect brow arched. "What is it?"

With a start, Sophie realized that Biana didn't know about Fitz's betrayal—a fact that was definitely not going to help the 'Vacker Family Legacy,' that Alvar used to rattle on about.

"Um," Sophie stalled, thinking of an excuse. "I have news. Bad news." She muttered, avoiding Biana's eyes.

Biana's eyes lit up with worry, and Sophie's stomach churned with anxiety. "Oh, okay. I'll be there soon."

Sophie set down her Imparter and said to Keefe, "Biana, she doesn't know about Fitz's involvement with the Neverseen. We should tell her, right?"

Keefe was looking down at her Imparter, face ashen. "Foster, did you turn off that Imparter?" He asked, worry seeping into his tone.

Sophie paused, "Um—"

Biana's cold voice rang through the room.

"No, she didn't."

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