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Sophie clasped Keefe's hand and beamed at him. "So, what now?" She questioned him, curiosity lighting in her eyes. "I don't know, you tell me, Foster." Keefe smirked, "After all, you have the most experience." Sophie slapped him lightly, smiling. "You're the older one." Keefe clutched his chest dramatically and said, "Wow, Foster, you wound me. I'm not that old!"

She snickered, "You sure about that?" Keefe smirked at her and slid his arm around her waist. "Positive, Foster."

"Ugh. Can you stop?" Fitz said, rolling his eyes. "Mr. Forkle's here."

Sophie straightened, "Mr. Forkle?" Keefe nodded, "The Forklenator is all serious-y" Ro snorted, "Does anyone think he's more wrinkly than normal?" She chimed in. Mr. Forkle remained stone-faced, "This is a serious matter, Princess." Ro rolled her eyes and flicked her finger up, "Everything is always serious with you." She huffed and went quiet.

"A great threat has resurfaced in our world," Mr. Forkle said gravely. He was interrupted by Fitz blurting, "The Neverseen's back?" Chills slid down Sophie's spine, and she pressed closer to Keefe. He tightened his grip around her, his palms were suddenly clammy.

"Yes." He nodded gravely. "They... delivered a message to us earlier this day." Sophie froze. "What did it say?" Mr. Forkle sighed, and simply said, "Watch." They all stiffened. "Watch what?" Ro asked, a slight expression of worry on her face. "We have yet to decipher that. We sent Black Swan members to Lumenaria to check on them, and three are missing. Ruy, Lady Gisela, and Gethen."

Sophie felt Keefe stiffen up. His mother. She was free. No doubt she wanted to complete his 'legacy' because Glimmer had defected just in time, causing the transformation to fail.

"Mommy Dearest does love me!" Keefe said, with a weak smirk. "She broke out of Lumenaria, for me and my legacy?... Great!" Sophie wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. "I'm sorry." Keefe laughed mirthlessly, "Don't be. My messed up mommy decided she wants more Hunkyhair quality time! And seriously, who wouldn't want quality time with me?" Fitz smiled, "I get that."

Keefe relaxed. "Fitzy?" Fitz smiled, "I miss my best friend." And his eyes softened as he turned to Sophie. "I'm sorry for what I did to you. Can you forgive me?" Sophie smiled, relieved. "Of course!" He stood up and strode toward them, wrapping them both in a group hug.

"Thanks, Soph."

"It's nothing, except for my wrist..."

"I'm sorry, I'll bring you a gift every day to apologize!"

"Well... if it's gifts..."

"I promise."


Sophie slid out of his mind, smiling to herself. Keefe looked down at her, concerned. Fitz untangled himself from Sophie and Keefe, gently raising Sophie's cast to his lips, and brushed his lips across it. Keefe visibly stiffened, and whispered to her, "Fitzy's getting handsy, isn't he?" Sophie nodded her head slightly. "Yeah, but at least he's not mad anymore." She whispered back. Keefe dipped his chin down and whispered, "True, Foster. True."

"Ahem." The distinct sound of someone clearing their throat cut through the moment. "There's still the Neverseen to think about," Keefe smirked. "About that... I think that we might be able to turn Ruy."

"What?!" Sophie exclaimed, at the same time Della mused, "I can see that." Edaline nodded, "Didn't you say the Neverseen let Ruy's hands become incredibly damaged?" She continued, "He might still harbor some animosity for that, so it is possible." Mr. Forkle nodded thoughtfully, "It seems possible. How could we do it, you think?" Fitz interjected, "Send him a message, but only him. Or wait until the Neverseen sends him out on a solo assignment and confront him then."

Keefe snorted, "Just ask Fintan." The Ancient Pyrokinetic was locked up in a cold cave, but he had since been moved to a more comfortable location thanks to his cooperation with the Black Swan. He was willing to help them defeat the Neverseen once, why not again?

Mr. Forkle questioned, "What would he know?" Keefe smirked, "He's like a father figure to Ruy. They were super close because Ruy had a horrible daddy." He flashed a smile at all of them. "Told you my Neverseen vacation would help!"

Edaline nodded, "In the meantime, should we all increase security? At the very least, we need to protect Luna and Wynn." Sophie had almost forgotten about the alicorn twins, as cute as they were. Mr. Forkle nodded, "I'll send out a message to my dwarven contacts." Sophie interjected, "What about Sandor? He's in Gildingham right now, and Bo is still with Linh. He even warmed up to her!"

It was true, the surly ogre had taken a shine to the sweet, soft-spoken Hydrokinetic. They had become rather close, almost like Ro and Keefe's dynamic.

"I will summon Sandor, and Flori will protect you in the meantime." Mr. Forkle stated. "Now, I have to notify the Collective. All of you should just continue with your day, and you should notify the rest of your team, as well as Team Valiant." Sophie nodded, and asked, "Can we get Keefe on Team Valiant? Stina's awesome, but Keefe is the one who can calm me down."
Mr. Forkle nodded, "You can ask your points of contact on the council, but I give you my permission."

Oh. Great. Her points of contact were Bronte and Councilor I'll just pretend this girl isn't my daughter and when she finds out I'll be disappointed! Safe to say, she was the worst. And to think that Fitz had pressured her into almost telling him! She nodded her head, "Okay, I'll contact them tonight." Keefe kissed the top of her head, "I'll hail you when I get back home, Foster." She hugged him, and smiled, "Okay."

He held his home crystal up to the light and glittered away to the Shores of Solace. She stared at the spot where he was and sighed. He was so perfect... Right. Back to the present. Della and Fitz light-leaped away, Fitz waving and winking at Sophie in the process. She attempted an uneasy smile back at him, Edaline gently clasping her hand.

Mr. Forkle looked at her, holding up a leaping crystal. "Miss Foster, I didn't want to say this with the others around, but Lady Gisela sent a message for Keefe." Sophie flinched, "What did it say?" She said, hardly daring to breathe. Mr. Forkle looked down and sighed,

"We're watching you—and he will be your greatest weakness."

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