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"What's that?" Biana asked.

"Well... it's a game where you can either give someone a dare or a truth—a truth is a question you have to answer honestly, and a dare is a thing that you have to do."

Sophie remembered awkward parties in middle school, with truth or dare being the sole focus of the parties—and spin the bottle. She also remembered being left out, being ignored at every party she went to.

"Cool," Biana said, a little smile on her face. "Yeah, it sounds awesome, Sophie!" Dex exclaimed, a grin on his face.

Sophie smiled at them, grateful that someone liked her idea.

"I think it's genius, Foster." Keefe slung his arm around her shoulders, "And how about we add a skip?" Sophie frowned, "Well-" Keefe cut her off, flashing his standard smirk, "—And you have to take off one item of clothing per skip!" He added cheerfully, his smirk crooked on his face.

Sophie flushed, "Uh, what?" Dex chimed in, "That sounds fun!" Biana and Fitz nodded their agreement, and Sophie groaned, resigned.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and then smirked at Keefe. "You can go first."

The friends formed a loose circle on the plush carpet, Sophie between Keefe and Fitz. Fitz's knee was touching hers, but she thought nothing of it, after all, they were just friends.

Or that's what she thought.

"Hmm, Fitzy!" Keefe said triumphantly, "Truth or Dare?" Fitz hesitated then flashed a cocky grin, "Dare," he said. Keefe pretended to think, and leaned over to Sophie. He whispered to her, "What should I do? Fitzy deserves to sweat a bit."

A small smile played on Sophie's lips, "Dare him to run around Everglen while shouting, 'KEEFE IS THE BEST!'" She whispered back. Keefe whispered back, "Foster, that's lame." Sophie rolled her eyes at him, "Rude." Keefe nodded, smirking at her, "But I'm your rude boy." Sophie kissed his lips, "True," She mused. "Fine, think of something yourself." She smirked. He dipped his head, "'Kay," he raised his head, and announced with an evil grin, "Foster's idea was too nice, so we're going with mine!" He said cheerfully. "Now, Foster, Fitzy, into the closet you go!"

Fitz flushed bright red, "What?!" he exclaimed, shock written on his face. "I said what I said." Keefe shrugged. "Now, no Fitzphie moments! Me and Foster are dating, after all, Fitzy-poo!" Fitz rolled his eyes, "How could I ever forget?" He muttered to himself sarcastically, disdain glinting in his eyes.

"C'mon, Soph!" Fitz called, already pressed into the dank closet. Marella smirked and snapped her fingers, causing a burst of flame to appear. "Want me to provide you some light?" She asked, a slight smile on her face.

"No, no, I'm fine!" Sophie said faux-cheerfully. With a forced smile on her face, she transmitted to Keefe,

"You're going to pay for this, Sencen."

"Oh, I'm sure of it, Foster."

Sophie cut the connection between their minds, and stalked into the closet, closing the door behind her.

She sat, back against the wall, knees pressed tightly to her chest. Fitz mimicked her position on the opposite of her.

"Soooo... you and Keefe, huh?"

Fitz's transmission startled her, causing her to kick Fitz in the shin, and hit the back of her head on the musty wall. Curse her clumsiness.


Sophie transmitted sheepishly.

"I didn't mean to kick you."

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry about it."

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