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Sophie shook her head, hiding behind her hair. Ugh. Fitz is your boyfriend, and he loves you, and you love him.

Keefe poked her and smirked. "Foster, I'm feeling some prettyyyy strong confusion. And some... anxiety?" He ran a hand through his tousled hair.

"About what?" Sophie groaned.

"I hate Empaths."

Keefe winked and flashed a smirk, "Not this one, clearly."

Sophie's cheeks warmed, and she tackled him in a strangle-hug. "Woah, Foster," Keefe said, hugging her back. "Don't get all sappy on me!" Sophie just squeezed him tighter, then let go. "I... I'm just worried," she admitted.

"About what, Team Valiant?"

"It just feels super unreal that we're... here, you know?"

His gaze softened, and he smiled sadly. "Yeah, the Mysterious Lady F saved us all again."

Sophie grabbed his hand.

He smiled softly at her, "Hey, you good?"

She smiled back, "Yeah."

She started toying with a silvery-green bracelet on his arm, hands sliding up his wrist.

Ro made a gagging sound. "Uh, hello?? I'm still here, lovebirds!"

Keefe sighed, "That is the one thing we are not,"

Ro smirked. "Yeah, and you aren't in love with our adorable little Blondie here?"

Keefe's cheeks tinged pink. "No!"

Three skipped beats. Just like Lord Cassius said.

"You are," Sophie breathed, cheeks flushing crimson. "You are?" Sophie asked, wanting it to be... true, not true?

He gently removed his wrist from her grip and met her eyes. "Um... Surprise?"

He said, hands fisted. Ro rolled her eyes and said to Sophie, "He likes you, Fitz likes you, hence their fun little competitions."

Sophie couldn't believe it.

She couldn't process it.

Keefe Sencen.

She tugged on her lashes. "Please, can you go?" She croaked, "I'll hail you later." Keefe looked down at her with those eyes of crushing blue, and smiled sadly.

"'Course, Foster."

He held up his crystal and him and Ro glittered away to the Shores of Solace.

She looked down at her petal carpet, and saw a silver notebook glinting up at her. She slowly reached down for it, and stopped. It was Keefe's. Keefe's.

But a little peek wouldn't hurt...

She shook her head. It wasn't hers.

She grabbed it and stuffed it into her desk drawer.

Dinner was soon, she had to get ready! And face Keefe and Fitz... Dread pooled in her stomach, and her palms sweated.

She looked down at the gloves she wore, at the Cognate rings Fitz had gifted her. At the ability she'd spent so long hiding.

Sophie gritted her teeth, and ripped off the gloves.

The Cognate rings glinted, and she smiled, a bittersweet thing.

When everything was simpler. When Fitz was the right choice.

Sophie stepped in front of the spectral mirror, where Vertina dwelled. "You look... better than normal," Vertina sniffed disdainfully.

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