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Sophie glared at Fitz. "Did you not hear me?"

His mouth opened, then closed. "Soph, he's evil." She arched a brow, "Oh, and you're not?" His face crumpled. "That's not fair! You've no idea of what I did."

"Sure," Sophie rolled her eyes. "Because you definitely didn't betray me, and your friends." Color rose on his cheeks as he looked away from Sophie. "It wasn't supposed to be like this," Fitz said voice breaking. "I never meant to hurt you." Anger knifed through her. "Well, you did. No taking it back."

"Sophie," Trix hissed in her ear, "Go back with them." She looked up at him, confused. "What? Why?"

"So you can get through what you need to. So you can convince them that Oralie is on their side. So you can save us all, like the Moonlark you are." He smiled at her, pain gleaming in his eyes. "I'll miss you." He paused, then added. "If you decide to go."

She blinked at him, surprised. "I can choose?" He nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't you be allowed to?"

"Sophie, get over here!" Fitz called. "Oh, shut up!" Sophie yelled back, anger pulsing through her. She heard a surprised giggle, then a deep laugh. Turning around, she saw Tam and Biana clinging to each other, cackling. Affection cut through her anger, affection for her two friends.

Turning back to Trix, Sophie answered. "I'll go," Sophie whispered to Trix. A relieved, uneasy grin broke out on his face. "Go get 'em." He said, smirking. "See you 'round, Larkie." Cheekily patting her head, he held up a crystal and light-leaped to who-knows-where. She smirked at the place where he'd been, her expression sobering as she faced the task in front of her.

"Guys," She announced. "Oralie tried to save me from Trix." Oralie shot her a glance that clearly said, 'what?' Sophie smiled. "Right?"

She fought the urge to roll her eyes, tired of the charade already. "Yes, um, that's correct," Oralie replied, stammering slightly. "But the, er, Neverseen agent, um, knocked me out." She nodded nervously, turning back to Sophie, raising a brow in clear question.

Sophie shook her head imperceptibly, not now. Oralie dipped her chin in response, not meeting her eyes.

The councilors her friends had brought with then congregated in a circle around Oralie, their circlets shining. In a synced motion, they all leaped back to Lumenaria, presumably to discuss what had just occurred.

"Foster!" Keefe cried, rushing toward her. He enveloped her in a hug, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked frantically, eyes scanning her for injuries. "Nope," She replied curtly. "Not a scratch on me."

His gaze softened. "Foster, I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said." She flinched, remembering what they'd said about her. "Sure." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes for good measure. "Foster, trust me." He pleaded, eyes shining with unshed tears. "And why should I?" She said skeptically, eyeing him.

"Because I love you!"

Keefe said passionately, eyes alight with determination.

What? No.

"No, you don't," Sophie said, searching his face and finding only sincerity. "You can't." Panic bubbled up inside her, anxiety taking over her mind. "You don't." She gritted out, eyes taking in the people coming toward them. Fitz, Biana, Tam, Dex, Marella, Maruca, Stina...

"Foster, I do." Pain shone in his eyes. "I've cared about you ever since I met you."

"Can't say the same, sadly." Sophie spat out, tears blurring her vision. Why would he say that? It was so serious, so official. She trembled. "Foster," Keefe tried, hurt lighting in his eyes. "Please."

"I can't," Sophie choked out, throat closing up. "Please don't do this." Anxiety welled up inside her, buffeting her with thoughts—each more destructive than the other.

What if you say 'I love you' back and he rejects you? What if it's all a prank? What if he breaks my heart?


'What if's' filled her head, drowning her other thoughts out. "Keefe," Sophie blurted out, panicked. "Is this a trick?" Hurt, genuine hurt flashed in his eyes at her words. "No, Foster. Of course not." He said, heartfelt. He grasped her hands, "Please, just give me a chance."

Sophie froze. What should she do? She didn't know. "I..."

Biana bounded toward them. "Hey, stop stressing her out with your epic declarations of love for her."!She rolled her eyes at him, enveloping Sophie in a hug. "I missed you so much!" She added in a mock whisper, "Not as much as he did  though..." Sophie colored, cheeks bright red.

"Hey," Tam said, walking up to them. He dipped his head in greeting, eyes lighting up at the sight of Biana. "Bia, don't strangle Sophie." Tam snickered, blowing a kiss at Biana whilst she glared at him. Biana withdrew from the embrace and walked over to Tam and punched him in the arm.

"Hey!" Tam yelped, clutching his bicep. "That hurt!" Biana smirked, "Yeah, that's the point."

Sophie grinned at their antics, glad to be back in the company of her friends. She glanced to her side, Keefe still standing there. His eyes were forlorn, full of pain.

Guilt twisted her stomach, tying it in knots. "Hey, Keefe?" She said tentatively, stepping away from Biana and Tam's flirtatious banter. "I, um..." She paused, drawing a breath.

Come on Sophie, you can do this! She urged herself on, now or never!

Swallowing nervously, she stammered. "I'll give you a chance." Keefe's eyes widened.
"Wh— really?" Sophie nodded. "Mhm."

"Oh, wow, okay." Keefe had the most adorable expression on his face—a cross of disbelief and affection. His full lips curled into a smirk, "So, can I kiss you now?" Sophie flushed. "Um," She stalled, afraid of kissing him. Afraid that if she kissed him, she'd fall right in—leaving caution to the wind. She gulped nervously, "Er," She fidgeted with her hands, blushing furiously.

"Lemme guess, Keefe just ruined the moment?" Tam suggested, popping up beside them. "I second that!" Biana declared, a goofy grin on her face. Sophie flushed, hissing. "Go away!" Keefe smirked. "I did," He bragged, full of insufferable braggadocio.

"Well, obviously I did," Keefe grinned. "Someone had to ruin it! And no way was Foster going to do that."

Sophie nodded begrudgingly, "Fine. That's true."
As they chattered away, more of her friends joined their little circle; Linh, Stina, Dex, Maruca... she felt her heart thaw slightly—then shook her head, clearing her thoughts. You can't trust them. As if on cue, a crisp, accented voice nervously interjected. "Hi," Fitz said, flashing his blindingly white movie-star smile.

"What do you want, Fitz?"

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