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Keefe stood up and stormed after Fitz, his face... well, it was stormy. Biana glared after Fitz, disgust in her eyes. It was Linh who asked, "Sophie, are you okay?" In a soft voice, the worry was written on her face. Sophie felt the tears fall freely, sliding down her cheeks. "No," she whispered, folding in on herself.

She never thought Fitz would do that to her, never thought that he would be anything less than the golden boy of the Vacker family. It hurt. Her heart was heavy in her chest, and she was struggling to breathe. And the pain in her wrist was getting to be pretty close to unbearable.

Sophie blinked, "I'm going to go to the Healing Center," she attempted a smile, failing. Biana stood up, "Do you want me to go with you?" She asked worriedly, "It's fine!" Sophie said faux-cheerfully. "I'm fine." She said, blinking hard.

Sophie near-sprinted away from her lunch table, cradling her broken wrist. I guess that's that. She thought, fresh tears welling.  She slowed to a walk and made her way to the Healing Center. Knocking with her uninjured hand, she whispered, "Elwin?"

The eccentric elf threw the door open moments later, Bullhorn twining around his ankles. A cheerful grin split his face as he said, "Sophie! What do you need?" His cheerful tone faltered when he noticed her wrist, and his face darkened.

He attempted a cheerful tone, "Another one? I thought you'd be sick of them by now!" He ushered her into the room and sat her down on a cot. "Stay there, I'll go grab the elixirs I need." He rushed off, presumably to go grab the elixirs. Bullhorn ignored her completely, settling down contentedly at one of the many chairs—which was good.

Sophie held up her limp wrist, which was slowly turning a purply-blue color, and she winced. Elwin gently applied a black paste with a sand-like texture and then wrapped it in bandages. "You should be good now, just don't move it around too much, okay?" Sophie nodded, biting her lip.

Elwin's tone softened, "Sophie, who did this to you?" Sophie stiffened and she looked away, holding her bandaged wrist. "No one," she muttered, casting her eyes down at the floor. Elwin sighed, "Well, if you ever find out who, just let me know, okay? It's not okay, and they'll be punished."

Sophie cringed at that. Fitz. Punished. The golden boy would kill her if she told. "I have to go, I'm going to be late for class." She muttered, still looking downwards. "I'll write you a pass," Elwin winked, "You're already late."

"Thanks!" Sophie called over her shoulder as she rushed to her Telepathy session with Tiergan. It was also with Fitz... but he wouldn't do anything to her with Tiergan there, would he? She shrugged and ran to the wing where they had moved their session, throwing open the door.

"Sorry I'm late—" She heard herself say, then gasped. Fitz was indeed there, but his face was covered in purply-black bruises, and his nose was bleeding. Tiergan looked at him grimly, his golden-brown skin pale. "W-what happened?" She stammered, still looking at Fitz's ruined face.

"Ask your boyfriend," Fitz spat, glaring at her. Any pity that'd she'd felt vanished, "He's not my boyfriend," she said calmly. "And I think you deserve it." Tiergan looked between them gravely, "Is there something I'm missing?"

"YES!" Fitz and Sophie shouted at the same time.

"He broke my wrist-"

"She sent her boyfriend after me-"

"All because he was jealous of Keefe-"


Sophie snorted, rolling her eyes. "Sure." Tiergan's eyebrows were raised. "Mr. Vacker, you broke Ms. Foster's wrist?" Fitz glared at the floor, and he muttered, "Only because she deserved it." Tiergan's face turned stone-cold, "Mr. Vacker, I'm going to have to hail your parents," he said. Fitz's eyes widened and he froze. "What?"

If Sophie didn't know better, she would think he was scared. Tiergan pulled out a silver square and said, "Alden Vacker." Soon, Alden's face appeared on the screen and he waved at Tiergan cheerfully. "Greetings," Alden started.

"Alden," Tiergan cut him off, "Your son broke Sophie's wrist." Alden's cheerful mood faded, and his face contorted in confusion. "Fitz? Hurt Sophie?" Tiergan nodded coldly. "I would advise coming to pick him up from Foxfire, and I am also going to notify Grady and Edaline." Sophie cringed. Her adoptive parents were not going to be happy. Grady would probably strangle Fitz. If he got mad at Keefe for endangering her, he would probably murder Fitz for actually hurting her.

I mean, he would deserve it... Sophie snapped back to the present as Tiergan hailed her adoptive parents. Edaline picked up, and her beautiful face filled the frame of the Imparter. "Edaline," Tiergan began, softer than he had been with Alden. "The Vacker Boy snapped Sophie's wrist." Ooh, even Tiergan started on the whole 'Vacker Boy' thing! Edaline gasped, "Fitz? He hurt Sophie?" She said in disbelief, shock written on her face. Tiergan nodded, "Yes."

Fitz was still slouched in his chair, glaring at Sophie.

"I can still access your mind, you know."

"Get out, Fitz."

"But why would I do that?"

"Because I didn't permit you to be in my mind? Because you're breaking the rules of Telepathy, again?"

"I don't care if I'm breaking the rules of Telepathy! I care that you chose Keefe over me. You were my girlfriend."

"I didn't choose Keefe! I just didn't choose you! And Keefe wasn't the one who snapped my wrist, soooo..."

"What do you want me to do, apologize?"

"That's actually what I want you to do."

"Well, I'm not going to. Either way, I'm still your number one, and you're still mine."

"Get. Out."

"Sure thing, Foster."

Fitz spat Keefe's nickname at her, his mental voice so full of venom that she flinched away from him. He continued glaring at her, his face sullen. She glared right back, rolling her eyes at him.

"Miss Foster, Fitz, we're going to the Leapmaster." Sophie nodded her assent, and Fitz just grumbled. They walked down and their parents were there, Fitz's eyeing him with wariness, and Sophie's eyeing her with worry.

"Sophie!" Edaline cried as Sophie rushed into their arms, strangle-hugging both of them. "Kiddo, are you alright?" Grady asked, "I'll make sure you don't have to see That Boy again." Sophie smiled up at them, "I'm fine."

Alden and Della rushed over to Sophie and apologized, "We're so sorry for his behavior. We don't know what got into him!" Sophie smiled weakly, "It's okay." Della looked at the ground and muttered, "I can't believe he did that, what a disgrace."

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