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Sophie headed toward her seat, and sat down next to Fitz. The other girls headed toward their seats, leaving Sophie alone.

"Hey, Fitz..."

"Yes?" His crisp, accented voice slid into her head. He twined his fingers with hers, and squeezed.

"I... I don't know what to think."

"You don't know what to think about what, Sophie?"

"You! You're withholding information from me for that I have every right to know!"

"You really don't get it, do you?"

"Get what? Get that you're being a condescending jerk?!"

"That's not fair! You- You cozy up to Keefe, and you act like you'd prefer for him to be your boyfriend, not me!"

"Maybe I would, because I know he'd tell me!"

"Is that what you really think?..."


"Fine. Think what you want, but you'll come back to me once you figure it out."

"Figure what out?"

"What Keefe and Biana did with me."

"What did they do?..."

"Ask them. They'll tell you, remember?"

"Fitz, that's not fair. It's my future you're talking about, my parents."

"Our world isn't fair, Sophie. Grow up."

Fitz ripped his hand away from Sophie's and tore out of her mind. Sophie stared at him, her heart cracking. He refused to look at her for the rest of dinner, so she pretended everything was okay and laughed with everyone else.

As soon as dinner was over, Sophie rushed from the table to Biana. "Biana?" Biana looked at her, "Yes?" Sophie huffed a breath and said, "Is this a good time to talk?" Biana looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, I can't right now. I'll hail you later though!" Sophie forced a smile, "Okay," and walked off toward her parents. Grady and Edaline walked out of Everglen, and starting striding toward the light-filled gates, shimmering even at night. "You alright, kiddo?" Grady asked, worried.

"Yep! Never been better, everything is super great," Sophie rambled, resisting the urge to tug on her itchy lashes. Grady put a hand on her shoulder and said gently, "If there's anything, just let us know, okay kiddo?" Sophie nodded, not trusting her voice, and strangle-hugged him. Edaline looked at her, mock-hurt, and said jokingly, "What about me?" Sophie rushed to her and tackled her in a strangle-hug. "I love you guys," she mumbled into Edaline's hair. "We love you too, Sophie." Edaline said, patting her back.

Grady looked at them and smiled, then said drily, "Are we going back to Havenfield or are we going to stay at Everglen?" Sophie broke the hug with Edaline and rushed over to Grady. Edaline followed, and the trio glittered away to Havenfield.

Sophie ran up to her room, and flopped onto her bed. Ugh... and she still had to meet with Keefe! Speaking of Keefe, what was going on with them? Sometimes it felt like... nope! She was just imagining it. Or at least that's what she told herself. She sat up and looked outside. A hulking figurine lurked, casting a dark shadow. Sandor. But who were those two figures near him? Ro. And Keefe.

She threw the curtains fully open, and slowly, carefully opened the windows. She slid one foot out, then the other, carefully sliding out. Then she slipped. She bit her lip, drawing blood. Curse her clumsiness. She braced herself, expecting to crash into the ground, but she didn't. Slowly, tentatively, she opened her eyes. A disgruntled ogre and a handsome blond boy stood, hand raised, palm upturned. "I knew you'd fall for me someday, Foster." Keefe snarked, drawing his hand away.

Sophie glared at him as her feet touched the ground, and whisper-hissed, "SANDOR," Sandor approached, and smirked. "Yes, Miss Foster?" Sophie waved her hand at Keefe and Ro, "Get these... things out of here." Keefe smirked, and snarked, "Aww, Gigantor here loves me, he would never!" Sandor patted his sheathed blade and smiled fondly. "Ah, but I have to complete the evening patrols, as tempting that offer is." He slunk off into the night, leaving Sophie alone with Keefe and Ro.

"Hunkyhair, Blondie, are you going to the tree or what?" Ro smirked gleefully. "My boy Hunkyhair here is in some SERIOUS trouble, eh? You finally found out what he did!" She patted Keefe on the head, mussing his hair. "Ro, MY HAIR," Keefe said to her, swatting her hand away. Sophie snickered and headed toward the Panakes. Keefe and Ro fell into step behind her, muttering about a certain Lord Cassius and amoebas.

Sophie collapsed against the trunk of the Panakes and sighed, "What did you do, Keefe?" Ro strode off, calling over her shoulder, "Gotta help Gigantor with the patrols!" Keefe looked at her, really looked at her, and with the moonlight dappling his face it was almost... No! Stop! You are with Fitz, and you are mad at Keefe, she scolded herself.

"Would it be easier if I connected us telepathically?"

"Sure, Foster! Use your fancy Telepath tricks that all us normal elves are jealous of!"

Sophie snorted as he smirked, and transmitted,

"Hello? Keefe?"

"Foster! I was beginning to think you stood me up."

"I would never."

"You did."

"That's not the point! I am trying to figure out what you, Fitz and Biana did together, that is somehow going to make me want to 'go back' to Fitz!"

"He said that?"

"Yes! He did! So would you like to explain?"

"I... I regret it. I should've never listened to him. I know Biana regrets it too."

"What did he do? ...Why'd you agree?"

"I agreed because... because I care about you, more than you know, and I stupidly thought it would make you happy. I know, I'm kicking myself right now. Feel free to hate me."

"Keefe, I could never hate you."


"I promise, Sencen."

"I could get used to you calling me that, y'know."

"Mmm... how about a bet?"

"A bet?..."

"Yeah. If I'm mad at you, I get an unlimited dare. If I'm not mad at you, you get an unlimited dare, Sencen."

"Hmm, sounds a bit rigged for me, Foster."

"Well, I guess you'll find out, won't you?

"I guess I will."

( remember to vote ++ comment ! <3 also, this book has 100 reads ?! tysm !! <3 )

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