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"Oralie?" Sophie said in disbelief.

"That's my name, correct." Oralie said cheerfully. "Are you talking to me again?"

Sophie gaped at her.

Her biological mother was standing in front of Candleshade, dressed like a Neverseen member, and wanted to know if she was talking to her again?!

She bit back a hysterical laugh.

"How—" Sophie said, cutting herself off. "Why?" Her voice broke.

Oralie's face was scrunched in a perplexed expression. "What?" She said airily, waving her hand.

"W— What about Kenric?" Her voice broke, voice wobbling.

Oralie face twisted into an amused sneer. "What about him?"

Sophie hiccuped. "I thought you loved him, that you loved each other."

Oralie snickered. Snickered.

Flippantly, she said, "No, we didn't love each other."

"I—" Sophie started, confusion writhing. She shut her mouth. "I came here for answers. Now explain—everything."

"In due time." Oralie said simply, eyes twinkling in the light.

Swiftly, the black-cloaked figure on Oralie's right threw down an object, emitting a lavender-colored smoke. The fumes clawed their way up Sophie's senses, sickly-sweet. "Stop—" Sophie croaked, going still. She thrashed on the grass, clawing at her neck. Black descended upon her, enveloping her senses.

Black shadows swirled around her. She shuddered. Black-bodied mist, with dripping white eyes—or she assumed they were eyes. Their eyes, striking as they were, seemed blank. Nightmarish.

"Why are you here?" She called into the darkness, waiting for an answer that wouldn't come.

"What are you?" She called again, frustrated.


Their voices twined their way up her neck, so tangible.

All of her thoughts eddied from her head. Eternal dark, with these creatures? She resisted the urge to tug at her lashes, failing. She yanked at them, two dark brown lashes fluttering from her fingers.

Worthless, stupid girl. Weak. Idiotic. You failed your friends. Failure. You failed everyone. Amy. Keefe. Biana. Dex. Grady. Edaline. Mom. Dad. Mr. Forkle...

The words wrapped around her, wrapping her in a cocoon of black.

Sophie bit her lip, distracting herself from the pain. Ow.

She had to get out. Now.

Oralie watched Sophie thrash on the ground, limbs askew.

She supposed she had caused this... but it was for her own good.

Kenric had been so good. Tears sprung to her eyes at the thought of his earnest, eager smile. His willingness to agree to their deal. Their deal had taken more out of her than he knew. Sniffling slightly, she swiped the back of the itchy black cloak sleeve against her nose, irritating it more.

"Hey, you good?" A soft voice murmured, worried. Oralie let a small smile slip. "Yeah, Trix. All good!"

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You sure? I know Gethen's worried 'bout you."

A grin bloomed on her face at the thought of Gethen, of his bright blue eyes, and silky blond hair.

He cared about her. He always had.

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