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Sophie was tugging her eyelashes, one of the habits she really needed to stop. The Neverseen were defeated, there was nothing for her to be worried about. So why was she still pulling on her eyelashes? Everything was back to normal, even her relationship with Fitz. He may have pressured her into getting her Match list—so she did, and her adoptive parents had picked it up for her.

Speaking of her parents...

Her adoptive parents, Grady and Edaline were in her doorway—Edaline grinning wildly, Grady looking nauseous.

"Sophie, your Match list is here!"

Edaline said, smiling. Flour dusted her normally immaculate clothes.

Trodding downstairs, her parents in tow, Sophie gasped.

A plethora of Custard Bursts, Ripplefluffs, and Butterblasts graced the table. A huge pitcher of lushberry juice glittered. Sophie felt sick—with nerves. "It's here?" She said, offering a weak smile.

Edaline nodded, "Yep! Do you want to eat anything, or do you just want the list?"

'Uh, could I just have the list please? I'm really tired." Sophie said, watching her parent's faces for any disappointment, thankfully finding none.

Grady smiled at her, "It's alright kiddo, when you're ready to share with us, we're here." Their understanding made tears well up in her eyes, and she tackled both of them in strangle-hugs. "Thank you," Sophie said, and after a momentary hesitation, she added, "Mom, Dad."

Edaline smiled down at her, "It's nothing."

Then she snapped her fingers and the ribbon-tied piece of parchment fell into her arms. Edaline held it out to Sophie, letting Sophie snatch it from her arms. Sophie ran up to her room, frantic thoughts chasing each other in her head.

Why, oh why, did she decide to register for Matchmaking?

She didn't even want to, until Fitz and those teal eyes... But it hurt so many people! Like Dex's family, and Jolie and Brant!

Who knows... if Matchmaking had never existed, Jolie could be alive.

She even decided to give up on her biological parents search, but then Fitz went behind her back and begged Mr. Forkle to give the information to the Matchmakers, and he did.

Fitz was so excited... After they had broken up, she had apologized, and they got back together, so she still wanted to be his, and he was hers.

Sophie snapped out of it, back in her bedroom. She set the perfectly rolled parchment on her bed gingerly, and fished around for her Imparter. She opened it, and hailed Biana.

Biana's perfect face popped up, and she smiled at Sophie. "Hey Sophie!" She said, teal eyes twinkling. "Guess what? Me and Fitz got our scrolls yesterday," she almost squealed. Sophie's mind whirled, and she reached up to tug some of her eyelashes. Jeez, they were itchy. "O-oh?" She stammered. "That's great!" Biana flipped her hair, "I know, right? Anyways, we're inviting everyone over tonight, because it's the anniversary of when we defeated the Neverseen! You'll be there, right?"

Sophie forced a weak smile, and said, "Of course." Biana winked at her, "Fitz is sooooo excited to see you. Oh, but I'll see you there. I have to go get ready!" The Imparter flashed white, and then went blank.

Sophie slumped on her too-soft bed, burying her face in her pillows.

She had her eyes squeezed shut, until a familiar voice called out, "Yo, Foster!" Keefe said, bursting into her room, Ro right after him. Sophie sat up, and glared at her door.


He poked his head around the door and sighed. "Believe me, I didn't want to let them in." Keefe sat on Sophie's bed, smirking. "But Gigantor just haaaaad to let us in. He couldn't resist me!"

Sandor and Ro snorted. Ro's hair was now... ice-blue? Her stomach gave a jolt, and her heart fluttered.

Wait, why? She didn't like Ro, she liked the color. But why did she like the color? Teal was her favorite color, after all.

"The Mysterious Lady F zones out, once again." Keefe said, running a hand through his perfectly tousled hair. "Miss me, Foster?" He winked. Sophie's heart fluttered again, emotions flooding from her.

"Yikes, Foster," Keefe said, fanning the air. "These negative emotions are strong."

Sophie looked away and at her Match list. Ro followed her gaze. "Oh, our Blondie picked up her Sparkly Love scrolls. Just like you!" She said cheerfully.

Keefe's cheeks flushed, "Oh, she did?" He said, trying for a smirk. "Is Fitzy your number one?"

Sophie looked away, "I don't know." He raised his eyebrows. "You haven't looked?" She shook her head, and Ro snorted. "Our Blondie here is so clueless." Keefe rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Ro." She simply kept painting her claws ice-blue. Sophie looked down. "The truth is... I don't know if I want it to be Fitz."

She heard Ro mutter something to Keefe, and Keefe came over and sat by her. He took her hand and said softly, "It's fine if you don't want to look, if you don't want him as your Match. Can I just ask why?"

Sophie looked up at him, at his beautiful ice-blue eyes. "I'm not sure about it. He only wanted to be with me if I wasn't Unmatchable. But my other friends didn't care, you didn't care. He was the only one." Sophie shrugged, trying to hide the lump in her throat.

Keefe squeezed her hand. "Do you want to look, together?" Her heart switched to flutter mode, and she choked out a "Sure." Keefe levitated the scroll over into her lap. Ro cried, "The moment of truth!" And Sandor choked on his laugh outside.

Sophie delicately took one of the ribbons and pulled it open. She squeezed her eyes shut, and felt a green breeze flood through her senses, calming her. She started reading from the bottom up. 100. Tam Song. Sophie couldn't believe her eyes. "Tam?" Keefe choked on a laugh, rolling around on her bed in between howls. "Bangs Boy, and our precious Foster?!-"

She continued reading, 30. Dexter Dizznee. Keefe sobered at that, and said seriously, "Little Cousin Babies." Sophie snickered, as indeed her and Dex were cousins.

28. Wylie Endal. Sophie laughed out loud at this one, "Wylie?" Keefe shrugged, "Prentice could finally be your father." Sophie swatted him, "Why did I ever tell you that?" Keefe looked up at her, "Because you love me."

27. Valin Shimil. Sophie's jaw dropped. Valin? As in one of the Drooly Boys, as Marella had dubbed them? She looked up at Keefe, to see his face twisted with laughter, a huge smirk eating up his face.

Sophie sighed.

25. Jensi Babblos. Keefe looked downright confused at that, and Sophie shook her head.

4. Keefe Sencen. Keefe looked up, his ice-blue eyes wide, a slight flush gracing his cheeks.

1. Fitz Vacker.

( OMG ALSO THIS IS NOT A SOFITZ FANFIC !! lyasm !! remember to vote ++ comment ! <3 )

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