I'm not dead

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Hi guys! Sorry I've been gone for over a month. My grades got super bad so I've been really busy making up work and trying to get them back up. I've alsk joined the tech team for my school's theater club so I'm busy after school too, which is normally when I write/edit. I just haven't had alot of time to do much editing of the chapters I already have written or writing new ones. I probably won't for awhile either. I got alot of my work in though and I'm just trying to get my grade in Bio from a C to a B.

But it's also my first year of high school so I'm trying to figure out how to manage my time properly and get a better work ethic.

I also have a lot of family stuff going on and there's a lot going on with some of my friends so this is just a very weird time in my life.

To be honest I have no idea when I'll be able to update. Hopefully not too long but I can't promise anything. Like I said, it's a very weird time. There's a lot to juggle and balance right now and I'm not very good at either of those things. Not to mention, my mental health has been suffering a lot since school started up and I don't want that to impact the way I write (because I do tend to project HEAVILY) and dig a hole for one of the characters by putting them through a bunch of shit that I never originally planned.

I will continue this story but it will be on hold for a bit. If you want more Elmax content I have a very long reading list of Elmax stories, a lot of which that I've read and enjoyed myself. I also have another story but it's older and under editing so once you get past a certain point it'll be super bad.

I apologize for not saying anything for this long, I really didn't mean to. I didn't realize how much time has passed since I last updated and I hope you guys understand.

Please drink water and eat something tonight. I love you all❤️

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