The Crying Game

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"Safaree please don't say that. We need to talk." I banged on the door.
"There is nothing you could say that can change this." Safaree yelled.
I just don't know what to do to fix this, I messed up and he didn't. I looked down and started crying even more.
"Please open the door. We can fix this."
He opened the door. He was still wearing the bloody shirt.
"Did you make sure you nigga was okay?" He rolled his eyes.
"He's not my nigga, you are." He shook his head.
"Not anymore."
"Please don't say that I love you."
"If you loved me you would've stopped talking to him, you would've never kissed him, you would've confirmed our relationship." I could see the hurt in your eyes.
"If you wanted me to confirm us you coulda just said so-" he cut me off.
"I've been saying to confirm us for years now, you said no, if you really loved me you would've confirmed it without me telling you too." He held his cut head.
"Is your head okay?"
"I'm fine its just a small cut. Don't try to change the subject."
"I'm just trying to see if your okay." I went to go get the first aid kit out the bathroom.
"I don't need your help Nic. You didn't care earlier so don't act like you do now." I walked back into the room
"I'm sorry Safaree, okay, I didn't mean to kiss Meek back." I cleaned his cut.
"Nic, I'm out here getting tattoos of ya face all over my fucking body and you tryna fuck other niggas! Do you see the problem with that?!" I started crying again I hugged him suprisingly he didnt push me off.
"Safaree I love and I'm not willing to lose you. Please forgive me, we can make this work, we really can." I looked up at him a few tears fell from his eyes. I've never seen him cry before.
"Onika I love you more than you love me. I had the chance to fuck somebody else but I didn't because I was thinking bout you about US."
"I didn't fuck him Safaree, it was a kiss, there was no feelings connected." I was lying.
I stared at her, I didn't want to be here anymore I was hurt.
"Your lying you already told me you felt a connection to Meek. Nothing can change that." More tears feel from both of our eyes.
"I didn't have feelings for him!" She lied again.
"Wait did Nicki have feelings and Onika didn't. Fuck that Nic or Nik whoever you think you are right now!" I broke away from the hug.
"Okay there was some feelings but Meek doesn't have my heart, you do! Your my life Safaree." She was serious but I didn't how long it would last.
"I need to go before I say some shit I'll regret. I love you Onika." I grabbed my keys.
"Are you gonna come back?" She wiped her tears.
"Yes, no, maybe, I don't know yet." She hugged me and kissed me.
"I love you Safaree Lloyd Samuels." I nodded my head and walked out the door. I called some of my boys so we go to a club.
We hit up three strip clubs and four bars. I'm drunk as fuck. Sherika's boyfriend Tak is with me he's still sober.
"Aye Safaree you can't drive, you want me to take you to your house"
"No, take me to my tattoo artist."
"Ight, if you say so." Tak drove me there.
I called Sherika she came right over.
"I'm an idiot." I cried.
"No your not, you just did something stupid." Rika replied.
"Do you think he'll come back?" She ignored my question. "Rika!"
She looked down and shrugged her
"You don't think so huh?" I wiped the tears from my eyes.
"Nic, you treated him like shit so many times."
"Why didn't you tell me before?" She hugged me as I continued to cry.
"It wasn't my place."
"Did he ever say anything to you about it?"
"No he talked to Tak about it and Tak told me. He felt like a slave." I texted Safaree.
~Ik I messed up. I'm sorry I need you to come back. Things will be different from now on. I swear I can change. I love you.
I laid back in the car. We got to the tattoo place.
"Why are we here?" Tak asked.
"I'm getting the Nicki tattoos on my chest covered." He looked confused.
"Why man?"
"'Cause I don't want to fuck anyone. This is the easiest way to hurt her."
"You really want to hurt her?"
"Yes I do, its petty but I don't care." I walked in the tattoo place, got in the chair told him what I wanted done over it.
I was comforting Nicki as she cried, telling her everything would be alright. Then u got a text from Tak.
~ SB got his Nicki tattoos covered.
I sighed
> All of them?
~ the ones on his chest
> why'd you let him
~ cause he ain't wanna fuck nobody
> okay, where y'all at
~ I'm bouta bring him there. He drunk asf
>okay I'll tell Nicki.
I took a deep breathe and looked at Nicki.
"Safaree's on his way here." She got happy and stopped crying. "Yupp I bet your gonna be suprised when he gets here."
"Yessss the fuck I am!" She was so excited as soon as I was about to tell her about the tattoos then. Safaree walked in drunk with Tak behind him.
"Hey Rika... Onika." He gave me a hug then stared at Nicki.
"I'm glad you came back baby." She kissed him he kissed her back.
(Around 3 o'clock in the morning)
I looked at Nicki all happy thoughts came into my mind. Then I remembered how she hurt me. I picked her up and kissed her, slowly putting her back down.
I walked to our room she followed me, I laid on the bed and went to sleep.
(The next morning.)
"My head hurt." I felt like I was hungover. "Wow." I blinked a few times and looked beside me. Nicki wasn't in the bed and my clothes were still on. Okay we didn't have sex.
I got up walked to the bathroom brushed my teeth and got in the shower. When I got out I looked in the mirror. Where the hell are my Nicki tatts? Oh right I got them covered. I walked out the bathroom and walked to the kitchen where Nicki was cutting up some vegetables to put in an omelet.
"You hungry babe," I said hearing his footsteps. He walked over to near I was and looked in the fridge and grabbed some orange juice. I looked at him when he put the orange juice down. Where is his tattoo of my name? And my face!?
"Safaree where are you're tattoos?" He looked at his chest then looked at me.
"I got them covered." He said so carelessly.
"Covered?! What the hell do you mean?" I held the knife up in anger. He grabbed my hands. I swung my hands from his and ended up cutting him right through his tattoo of Bob Marley on his arm. My eyes opened wide.
"What the fuck Onika?!" He yelled holding his bleeding arm.
"I-i-I'm so-hh-orry. I really didn't mean it." I grabbed some paper towels and held them to his cut.
"Let go of me, don't touch me!" He walked away. I chased after.
"I'm so sorry Safaree I didn't mean." He walked in to the room and grabbed the 1st aid kit.
"I'm leaving, fuck this place." I started crying staring at drops of blood falling on to the floor. I grabbed his waist.
"Please don't leave me. Please. I'm begging you don't leave me." He looked down at me and took my arms from around his waist.
"You can't fix anything that has happened these last few days. This was the straw that broke the camels back." He started backing his bags. I ran to the closet and grabbed the bat. I walked outside and smashed his Benz up. He walked out the door hearing all the noise.
"Fuck you Safaree!" I cried. "Fuck everything about you!" "You know what I did fuck Meek, I shoulda fucked Drake!" "Fuck you, fuck the love we shared!" "Fuck you okay." I kept hitting the car with the bat.
"Nicki stop it! Stop it Nicki! What the hell is wrong with you!? Stop Nicki please." He tried to grab me.
"Don't touch me or I'll call the cops!" "I know you fucked them bitches at the club." I screamed.
"Nic, people can hear you! Calm down, drop the bat! What bitches?" I held the bat up.

"Don't tell me what to do! You know the bitches I'm talking bout!" I swung at the car again he grabbed me. "Let go of me! Rape! He's tryna rape me!"
"Onika! Shut the fuck up!" Just then I saw my neighbor drive by our gated home starring.
"Call the cops!" I screamed as loud as I could. They looked like they were doing it.
"Don't call the cops!" He yelled to them but it was too late they already picked up the phone. "Onika what the fuck!" He let me go.
"I hate you Safaree! Rot in hell!" I cried out of anger because he was leaving me. "I hope you dick burns off from all those dirty bitches you fucked."
"What dirty bitches!? What bitches? Your fucking delusional!" He walked up the stairs to my house.

"You can't go in my house Safaree." I ran up to the door and blocked his path just then the cops pulled up.
"Excuse me I got a call from an concerned neighbor that there was an altercation here."
"No sir there wasn't." Safaree said calmly. "This is my fiance. We just got into an agruement." He looked at me.
"Is this your fiancé ma'am?" I looked at him.
"Officer I want him escorted off my property. He's an ex that won't leave me alone."
"What the hell Onika?! Really?!" The officer grabbed him.
"Calm down sir, you need to go." The officer looked at the destroyed Benz. "Whose is this ma'am."
"Its mine." Safaree and I both said.
"It's mine officer I paid for it." I said, the officer escorted Safaree from my house and the other officer wrote down the story.
As I was escorted off the property I decided I never wanted to see Nicki again I would come back to get my bags in a few days and never come back. She treated me like shit any way and I put up with it. I loved you Onika! But fuck you!
I turned around to see her on the porch crying. The police gave me a long ass speech than he drove me to a hotel. I hope you got what you wanted Nicki.
I sat on the couch crying. I started writing down how I felt somehow it turned into a song. The crying game. Tears ran down my face as I stared at all that had happened. The blood on the floor. The knife I got him with. safaree's bloody clothes from his fight with Meek and the Benz in my driveway. What did I just do? I lost the love of my life....
All I can say is wow. Just wow. I hope y'all like this chapter. Thanks to my faithful readers. This was a lot to think of. Sorry for any errors.

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