Chapter 44

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"Magnus, open a portal to Lilith's. They might be over there." I said thinking about all the places they could be in Edom

"Your right." He told me, opening a portal

We stepped through with Alexander being first, then Simon and Clary, followed by us. I looked around me to see Meliorn on the ground injured.

"Where's Lilith?" Magnus asked as I kneeled next to Meliorn

"Hey, how you are doing Meliorn?" I asked him

"Not so well, princessa." He said

"God not that nickname again. Let's get you all healed up." I told him, slowly healing the wound.

"I'll help." Magnus said coming next to me

"I'll close the wound. You handle the blood." I told him

We both worked together, working on Meliorn, until we heard a growl.

"Oh... It looks as if she's found me." Magnus said as we looked towards the sky, to see her flying towards us

"Not a good look on her." Simon said

"Stand back." Magnus told us

I watched everyone take a step back, but I walked closer to Magnus instead. Together we combined our magic and shot it towards her.

It didn't affect her though. She kept coming. I saw Alexander raise his bow and fire at her, but it still didn't stop her.

She threw a fireball from her mouth, missing us. From the side of me, I see Isabelle get in front of us and throw her heavenly fire.

"Izzy, no!" I heard Simon yell

"Don't!" Clary yelled

I watched as the fire destroyed Lilith, but in the process, it seems to be taking Isabelle with her.

"Isabelle!" Clary yelled

"Isabelle!" Alexander yelled at the same time

"Izzy!" Magnus and I yelled afterwards

"Magnus, Stella, heal her." Alexander told us

"I'm trying!" Magnus told him as we pushed our magic into her

"It's not working." I told them

"The Heavenly Fire is stopping us." Magnus said

We had to stop, before we used up all our energy.

"What if I put the alliance rune on Izzy? We could bond her to all of us. We could maybe absorb some of the flame." Clary told us

"How do we know it's not gonna burn us up? Remember, we all have demon blood." I explained

"We also all have Nephilim blood, too." Alexander told me

"Alec's right. Let's do this." Jace said

"Form a circle." Clary told us

"It's too dangerous." Isabelle told us

"Izzy, if it's the only way we're going to save your life, we're all gonna die trying." Simon told her

I watched as Clary came towards Magnus.

"What are you doing?" Magnus asked her

"We all need to be connected." She told him, before drawing the alliance rune on him

I watched as it burned him. I gently grabbed his arm, healing it from feeling pain. After Clary drew the rune on Isabelle, she and alexander lifted her help, as we formed a circle. Together, the heavenly fire spreaded one by one, to each of us. 

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