Chapter 26

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I woke with gasp. Something's here, something that shouldn't be.

"Magnus, get up. we have an eventful day." I said

"I'm up." He said

We got out of bed, preparing for the day. As we were about to have breakfast, we heard knocking.

"What's going on?" Magnus asked as he opened the door. I saw Simon and Luke

"Maia's gone missing." Luke said

"What?" I asked

"She disappeared from the Hunter's Moon. And I think your bestie the Seelie Queen's responsible." Simon said as Magnus let them inside

"What would the Queen want with Maia?" Magnus asked

"She has this crazy obsession with me because of the whole daylighter thing. And then she invited me to live in the court, and I said thanks but no thanks, and then she... she threatened to hurt the people I care about." Simon told us

"She also offered shelter to every downworlder." Magnus said

"That shelter comes with a price." I said

"Loyalty to the Queen. Maia wouldn't follow that. And she wouldn't desert her pack." Luke said

"Maybe she found a lead on Valentine and is off hunting him down." Magnus said 

I could only sigh.

"Without telling me?/ come on, Magnus" Luke and Simon said

"We're not making this up. She's got Maia." Simon told him

"Our warlocks are on the roof, holding up the wards to keep Valentine in the city. We have to go help them. But the next time I or Magnus sees the Queen, we will inquire." I told Simon as Magnus and I went upstairs to help. 

"Magnus, are you feeling that?" I asked him

I looked around my area. It was dark.

"Yeah, but I can't pinpoint it." He told me

Suddenly, I heard one of the warlocks' screams.

"Is that from Edom?" I asked

"Yes, it is." He said

"Alright warlocks, go home and stay safe. Magnus deal with the demons. I will keep the wards up." I told everyone

After, Magnus dealt with the demons around us, we went inside, knowing I could keep the wards up easily. We heard knocking again at the door. I got up alongside Magnus and went to open the door. We saw Alexander. Magnus went to close the door.

"Magnus. Stella." he called

"What do you want, Shadowhunter? Is it about the demons?" Magnus asked

"There's something you need to know about the Queen." he told us

"Well, if you came to tell us that she made a deal with Valentine, we already know." Magnus said going to close the door again

"Wait!" Alec said holding the door open "Izzy has located the rift that the demons are coming from." he said

"Oh, and you want one of us to seal it. What a surprise." Magnus said

I gently hit Magnus.

"We need a warlock to seal one this severe." Alec said

"Duh." Magnus said

"Demons don't discriminate between Downworlder, Shadowhunter, mundane. They kill them all." Alec said

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