Chapter 14

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face. As I turned around, I see Magnus looking at me with so much love in his eyes. I smile.

"Morning." I whispered

"Morning, darling." He told me, giving me a kiss

Suddenly, I got a call. I answered the phone.

"Stella. It's bad." I heard Landon say

"Landon? What's bad?" I asked him. I saw how Magnus looked at me

"He took them all. I'm sorry, Stella. I tried my best to fight them all. I don't think I'll make it." he told me

I looked down, trying not to cry.

"How bad?" I asked in a whisper

"It's bad, darling. I'm sorry I hurt you all those years ago. I'm glad you found love again. Valentine, he took about 20 warlocks. I was able to portal the others away before they stabbed me multiple times." He told me before I heard him gasping

I was crying now. "It's okay. I got over it a long time ago. I forgive you, Landon. You were my first true love. It's okay. You can let go; I'll get you people back. I promise." I told him 

"I...Love...You." He told me between gasp

"I love you too." I told him as the line went quiet. I ended the call before crying in magnus arms.

"He's dead. Landon is dead." I told him

"I'm sorry, love. I know how much he meant to you." He told me as he just held me

"I have to go to him." I said as I opened a portal

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked me

I could only nod. I watched as his magic wrapped around us, changing our clothes, before we stepped in the portal. When we got to the other side, I saw Landon in a puddle of his own blood.

"Oh, Landon." I whispered going towards him

I cradled his body, crying in grief. I don't know how long we were in that position, until I got up. I created wood, before placing his body on the mantle.

"What are you doing, love?" Magnus asked me

"When Landon and I were together, he told me what I should do if he shall ever pass away. The first step is to gather wood and make a mantle. The second step is to set his body on top. The third step is to-" I started before crying again "-is to set his body on fire. We watch as it burns and the ashes flow through the air." I told him crying

I lit his body on fire, before saying the prayer. " You have been the sun of our lives. Our prayers will be the sun that lights your way on the journey home. We will remember you in every dawn. And await the night we join you in the sky." I said watching as the flames grew dimmer.

As the flames disappeared, I created a gust of wind, watching his ashes spread through the air.

"It was beautiful, Stella." Magnus said

We stayed like that, until we went home. I stepped inside and grabbed a drink.

"Do you want to talk about him?" Magnus asked me

"He was the first man I loved. He showed me not to be afraid to embrace who I am." I started "I remember this one memory of us. We were at a ball and neither of us liked dancing, but we did either way. We walked on the ballroom floor and just swayed. It was that moment I knew I was in love with him." I told him

"Oh, my love. It is painful to lose your first love, but you must remember what he asked of you. What your promised him. Find his people. Make his last wish true." Magnus told me

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