Chapter 42

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I had Raphael drop me at my apartment, before he went home. I watched as he drove off, before I entered. I didn't see Magnus. I grabbed my drink and after a long day was left with my thoughts.

"Stella, I love you, mi corazon." Alexnader whispered in my ear

"I love you too, my angel." I told him

He gave me that beautiful smile, before spinning me around. I remember being twirled in his arms. It was a day when Magnus was busy with being High Warlock. 

I cried, missing my angel. I refilled my drink, continuing every memory I have of him. 

"Stella, do you think I will make a good Institute Head?" He asked

"I do. You are such a protective and loyal person, Alexander, that I know you will have the best interest for your people and the downworlders." I told him

I want to scream. Yell. Do something. But I can't. So, I just slowly released all my anger in a simple breath.

"Stella!" I heard Magnus yell

"In here." I told him

He walked into the living room to see me with my drink.

"My love, I have some news." He said

"What is it?" I asked him

"I have my magic." He told me, showing me his magic

"Magnus, that's amazing, but how?" I couldn't help but ask

"My father returned them. Also, he is on land, now." He said

"What!?" I shouted

"It's okay. I'll deal with it." he told me

"Alright. I'm so happy for you my kitty cat." I told him

"Thank you, my star." He whispered

"For what?" I asked

"Always being by my side." He told me

"Always, my love." I told him

"Now, I must deal with my father, I shall call you soon." He told me

"Okay. promise me you'll be safe." I told him

"I will." He said, portaling away

I couldn't help but smile, but it soon disappeared.

Why did Asmodeus give Magnus his magic back? I thought

I continued wondering. Magnus. Asmodeus. Magic. What happened during this time.

Alexander! I thought

Oh no. It makes sense.

Alexander must have made a deal with Asmodeus. Break up with Magnus, he gets his magic back. It all makes sense. My stupid Shadowhunter, always being selfless.

Before I could think any further, I heard a knock.

I opened the door, seeing - "Maryse." 

"Stella, we need to talk." She told me

"Come in." I invited "What is this about?" I asked her having a feeling I knew

"Alexander. He made a deal with Asmodeus to have Magnus keep his magic. That day when you were supposed to have dinner, he was going to propose to y'all. He was going to give Magnus the Lightwood ring and he made a necklace for you." she told me

I gasped. I didn't know he was going to propose. And that necklace. Alexander always knew what I liked. And he made it.

"I didn't know he was going to propose. I just figured it out about the deal. Maryse, I need to fix this. Wait, does Magnus know?" I asked her

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