Chapter 16

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I woke up to an empty bed. I slowly get up, with a few sores. I may be a tribrid, but God damn I still felt the pain from sex. I slowly get dressed and walk into the kitchen to see Magnus setting the food.

"Morning, Stella." he said chirpy

"Morning, kitty cat." I told him as he set a plate in front of me and handed me a potion

"For the pain." he told me

I laughed until I heard a knock at the door. I saw as Magnus opened it and Alec entered.

"My mother's back." He said

"Which means Stella and I will scarce." Magnus told him as he came and sat next to me

"No, I have something else in mind." Alec said

"Hmm." I wondered

"How would you feel about throwing a party?" Alec asked Magnus

"Have you met me?" Magnus asked

I slowly got up leaving my breakfast alone. I almost slipped but thankfully Alec caught me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me with so much concern in his eyes and voice.

"I'm fine, angel. I'm just sore from last night. Magnus gave me a potion, but it won't take affect for another 10 minutes." I told him

He just wrapped an arm around me, holding me. I gladly leaned against him as he continued talking to Magnus

"It is for Max's Rune Ceremony." Alec pointed out

"I think I'll pass." Magnus told him

"Magnus..." Alec tried saying

"I'm sure I'll love Max. But Maryse? That woman not only hates me, but hates Stella." Magnus told him

"That's sort of the point of the party. So that she can see that this, us three, it's not going away." Alec explained

I smiled. "You sure about this?" Magnus asked him

"Why wouldn't I be?" Alec asked him with a question

"Then I better get to work." Magnus said walking away

I followed him with my eyes, seeing the joy within him.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked looking at me

"I'm fine, Alec. Nothing, I can't handle. The potion is already working. Don't worry, I'll help decorate the place too." I told him

"Thank you." He said before leaving

"Magnus!" I yelled

I saw as he walked into the room.

"I know exactly what to do. So, here's the plan..." I said before explaining


One by one people showed up. I waited until the Lightwoods appeared. I watched as Simon and Clary showed up. I stood by Magnus and Alec. 

"I'm worries the empanadillas are soggy. I gave the chef specific directions..." Magnus started saying

"Magnus. Everything is perfect. You and Stella did amazing." Alec told him

We turned around and saw Maryse and Max appear.

"Max. Mother." Alec greeted them, Max with a happier tone.

"I heard Magnus, and you like to drink." She said holding a bottle out towards me

I just laugh it off. "Welcome, Maryse." I told her

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