Chapter 36

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I groan at the flash of light; I was suddenly attack with. I snuggled closer to my warmth, blocking the light.

"Come on, cherry pop, pup. Time to rise and face the day." I heard Magnus say

"Turn it off." I said scooting closer into Alexander

"Pup?" I heard him ask

"Panda?" Magnus asked again

"Alexander, stay still." I said pushing him back down

"No." Alexander said

"Okay." Magnus said

"Why is it so early?" Alexander asked as I groaned out slowly opening my eyes to feel him push his head into my neck

"Oh, with everything going on, sleep has been a bit of a struggle." Magnus told him

I moved my head away from Alexander's chest as we both sat up.

"Why are you dressed?" I asked

"Oh, I had to get up to go to the farmer's market before dawn to get ingredients for our breakfast which... admittedly is less than perfect. Do you know how many oranges are required to make a glass of juice? more than I bought." Magnus told us as we looked at the food "I used to have magic to do these little errands, but i have to admit there is a certain charm to doing things the mundane way." Magnus said

"Is today a special occasion?" Alexander asked in his sleepy voice

"It's your day off... I want to make the most of it with you and Stella." Magnus told him as he pushed the food towards us

I smiled at the thoughtfulness of my mate.

"That's actually really sweet." Alexander told him, with his adorable smile

"I thought so." Magnus said

Alexander smiled, leaning in, kissing Magnus. I expected it to be long, but Magnus pulled back. 

"Drink up. It's time for our morning exercise." Magnus told us, handing us each a cup of orange juice.

After enjoying our breakfast in bed, we got dressed for training. Alexander decided to teach me to fight, alongside Magnus. I already do though, but I didn't say anything.

 I already do though, but I didn't say anything

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We walked to the Institute, enjoying our walk. We went straight to the training room.

"Look alive." Alexander said tossing us each a training stick.

"So authoritive!" Magnus said

"I know. He's so sexy." I said

"Don't flirt with me." Alexander said hitting Magnus stick. "Lower your centre." He ordered us

We switched attacks between each other, keeping each other at arm's length. 

"A little less rusty than I thought." Magnus said

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