Chapter 34

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I woke up to an empty bed. I went to the guest bedroom and didn't see Isabelle. I assumed they went to the institute. I walked towards Magnus office. I looked inside to see him reading.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked him

"I found it!" He screamed out, ignoring my question

"Found what?" I asked

"A way for us to free Jace." He told me

I quickly changed clothes, before opening a portal to the Institute. We stepped through heading towards Alexander's office. Magnus knocked on the door with a lot more energy in it.

"Sorry to interrupt." He said

"Magnus. Stella." Alec said

"Looks like someone needs a coffee." Isabelle said looking Magnus

"Oh, no thank you. I already had six." He said before pushing himself up. "So, I was up all night researching the dark magic that Lilith has been using on Jace. I may have found a way to free him." Magnus said

"What? How?" Alec asked

"Based on your descriptions, it seems that Lilith has Jace locked in some kind of a mental cage, and the only solution is breaking that cage by blasting Jace with enough magic to eviscerate her presence." Magnus explained

"Do you have the power to do that?" Alec asked him

"No, but I will. In the Book of the White, I found a synthesis spell that'll allow me to temporarily channel the magic of other warlocks." Magnus told us

"How many warlocks?" Isabelle asked

"With both mine and Stella's magic, we would need at least half a dozen to match Lilith's strength. I'll have to call in some favors, but... this should work. There's just one tiny catch. We'll need the High Warlock's permission to organize something on this scale." Magnus said

I could only sigh. 

"I can talk to him, if you want?" I asked

"No. He fears you Stella, but we need him to willingly agree. We may not follow him, but the warlocks do. We can't lose their trust because of him." Magnus told me

"I understand. Just let me know if something goes wrong. I need to get something from my lair." I told them

"Be safe." He told me

"I will." I promised

He kissed me, before Alec grabbed me

"Come back soon. I can't do this without you." Alec told me

"I will. I promise." I told him

He kissed me, before I opened a portal to my lair. 

"My sanctuary." I whispered to myself

I started looking through all my books hoping to find the right one. After hours of looking, I finally found the book. The Darkhold. I must hide this book. I can't let anyone find it. I summoned my power putting many spells on it. Only someone with really strong magic can open it. 

I opened a portal, appearing in the loft.

"Alexander. Magnus. I'm back." I yelled through the loft

"Over here, darling." I heard Magnus say from outside

"Now what are you doing out here, my kitty cat?" I asked

"Thinking. Lorenzo banned the warlocks from helping." He told me

I always hated him. Always thinking he's better. I calmed my anger.

"Do you want me to go ask him?" I asked

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