Chapter 32

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"Mm!" I moaned out

"This is delicious." Magnus said next to me

"Alexander, this is amazing." I told him as he sat down next to me

"Good. Maybe you should save the spatula I used for your little box." Alec said

"Alexander.... if my mementos are still an issue for you, perhaps we should talk about it." Magnus suggested

"No. It's my issue. I just got so swept up that I... I never stopped to think about the future." HE told us

"We fell in love. There was nothing else to think about." I told him

"I can't stomach the idea that one day, I'm gonna be old and feeble, and becoming this... burden to y'all." He told us

"Look, there's no universe where you would ever be a burden." Magnus told him

"Alexander, we love you and would never think of you as a burden because you could never be a burden to us." I said

"You say that now." He told us

I just looked at him.

"Okay, maybe the reason why you are having such a hard time processing this is because this is your first relationship." Magnus told him

"Right, because the whole immortality thing, that's no big deal. This is all just because you're the only people I've ever been with." Alec said

"No, no, no. All we are trying to say is that every relationship is complicated." I said

"Perhaps ours wouldn't seem so daunting if you would have at least one person before us." Magnus continued

"Magnus." I snapped

"Oh. So... what I should go sow my oats?" Alec asked sarcastically

"You're putting words in my mouth, that's not what--" Magnus started

"And you're twisting this into something that it isn't. I'm not a child, Magnus." Alec said

"Then stop acting like one!" Magnus snapped

"Enough!" I yelled slamming my hand on the table.

"I lost my appetite." Alec said leaving the table

I just stared at where he left, before continuing to eat.

"Magnus, that was wrong of you to say." I said

"I know, Stella. But he can't expect me not to have memories of my past." He told me

"He will understand, my love. He just needs time. You must remember that he is still young, unlike us. He will come around. Now finish your breakfast before it gets cold." I told him

I watched as he finished his food, before we cleaned up. I got up and ready for the day.

"Magnus, I'm going to visit my house in Paris for a little bit. I'll be back later." I told him

"Alright, my star. Be safe. I love you." He said kissing me

"I love you, too." I told him before disappearing


It was night by the time I made it back. I opened a portal, appearing in front of Hunter's Moon. I saw all the Lightwood's and someone else. I entered the bar and approached them. 

"Stella!" Alexander yelled out seeing me. He kissed me before pulling a chair out for me.

"Hi, Alexander. Sorry, I'm late. Something held me up." i told him before turning towards the others.

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